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  1. Housed in a hotel room??

    Thank you! Anybody else care to share their
  2. Housed in a hotel room??

    But how what was the living situation like as far as food, laundry,
  3. Most importantly you need you document if they are continent or incontinent, and your plan of care. If their BM's are normal and you wanna make a quick bowel note, all you need is consistency and...
  4. Housed in a hotel room??

    Has anyone ever been housed in a simple hotel room, NOT a suite, for any of their assignments less than 13 weeks. If so, how what was the living situation like as far as food, laundry, etc..
  5. This is for the veteran travelers as well as the new travelers. As a traveler, how long does it take until you get used to a new system or routine? I know they say hit the ground running, but in...
  6. New Grad in CA needs Advice

    I love and appreciate your honesty. A lot of people wish they had a kickback high paying job, but not many nurses have the balls to say it because nurses have the crap beat out of them at work and...
  7. I recently saw an ad in one of those nursing magazines advertising IV certification in atlantic city, new jersey at the taj mahal. The course is from 8-5 or something like that for one day then i...
  8. ICU Nurses with OCD!!!

    Jennifer, thank you thank you thank you for adding this post. I couldnt have said this better myself. You truly understand what i meant by my original post and thank you for your input, i agree with...
  9. HUP, CHOP, Jeff, Christiana?

    How are the doc and surgeons in HUP's OR? I'm considering applying there but worried about putting up with their arrogance and hostility. Anybody able to give an opinion on
  10. Prepaid tuition in California??? please help me!

    thanks so much for the info guys! if anyone has any more info/advice, keep em coming. I've only been working 6 months so far. Im planing on moving after i get a yrs experience then hopefully grad...
  11. Does anyone know of any schools or healthcare systems that will pay 100% or at lease a good chunk of school tuition if you are employed with them? I know the university of pennsylvania health care...
  12. Toradol

    Wow, I had one pt on our medsurg floor who was in with a hip fx but was his trip to the OR kept getting delayed d/t other acute problems like resp. problems. So they kept him on toradol round the...
  13. Funny Sign In Slips

    LOLOLOL:lol2: :roll :chuckle
  14. What does LOL stand for?

    in terms of home
  15. Whats the difference between a travel nurse and an agency nurse?? I mean in order to be a travel nurse you have to sign with an agency, so i would assume they mean the same thing,