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All Content by paolahevia

  1. Collin County Fall 2016

    I got mine right away, but I ordered during the week so maybe you will get something Monday
  2. Collin County Fall 2016

    24 hour business day they receive our info.. So by tomorrow it should work
  3. Collin County Fall 2016

    Also check your cougar account and see if you have the 30 dollar fee if you don't then email her.
  4. Collin County Fall 2016

    Are you registered to the campus? That's the only way to get the castle branch. I email would the nursing recruiter because there is another way to pay the 30 dollar fee.
  5. Collin County Fall 2016

    No not yet! But I will do so before the deadline.
  6. Collin County Fall 2016

    Yes I did!! I received 3 emails step 1 email, castle branch email, and uniform email.
  7. Collin County Fall 2016

    It will be discussed after Nurses camp for those who volunteer.
  8. Collin County Fall 2016

    Would Chem online be really hard? I tried to apply for an evening class but its not offered and the one i did register got cancelled.
  9. Collin County Fall 2016

  10. Collin County Fall 2016

    I know some of our group were waitlisted on the summer, and got accepted into the Fall so definitely apply again for spring!
  11. Collin County Fall 2016

    No I'm glad you got one they are really awesome!!! I bet she will love it , what a great gift!
  12. Collin County Fall 2016

    No I have to wait for my Obama care to start which is on orientation day :/
  13. Collin County Fall 2016

  14. Collin County Fall 2016

    Just ordered this planner, I love supporting small business and Mommies!! Its pricey but Im pretty sure it will be worth it!! I bought he Academic Daily as I can plan my class schedule :) Hurry if you want them as lots of people by them pretty quickh...
  15. Collin County Fall 2016

  16. Collin County Fall 2016

    Man now I'm sad!! How did you guys here about it? What did you have to do?
  17. Collin County Fall 2016

    It's okay just look up Collin Nursing fall 2016 on Facebook and I'll approve you. But you just click on my name and then select send message
  18. Collin County Fall 2016

    I have a Facebook group of you interested send me a pm with your email I can add you
  19. Collin County Fall 2016

  20. Collin County Fall 2016

    I wasn't even aware of it!!
  21. Collin County Fall 2016

    The group is up in Facebook if you would like to join you can send me your email via PM and I can add you :)
  22. Collin College Summer 2016 ADN

    My cousin who is a nurse gifted me her first stethoscope which is pretty cool because I look up to her so much! And planner I'll have to buy a new one since the one I bought prior had the wrong dates.
  23. Collin County Fall 2016

    would y'all be interested if I started a Nursing Fall 16 group on Facebook, for those who were accepted. PM me if yes :)
  24. Collin College Summer 2016 ADN

    well that stinks :/
  25. Collin County Fall 2016

    I'll be there Tuesday too!! Probably around 11:30