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About RN12345656

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  1. If I understand planeflyer correctly, the issue is that the family had not come to grips with the gravity of the situation, and all heroic measures were being made. If that is the case, stepping over...
  2. I feel your pain planeflyer...I would definitely bring your concern up in your next staff meeting. That is absolutely ridiculous and should not have be allowed. It is one thing if your patient was...
  3. MRSA screening

    Of note...Medicare will no longer pay for hospital acquired MRSA infections. That is why most hospitals/facilities now are screening patients on
  4. IV Methylene blue post OHS vasoplegia

  5. I think the nurse who was taking care of you was being polite when she told you that it would be an easy transition from RDU to CVICU. Just last year, we had a dialysis nurse who was told at the end...
  6. Just curious if anyone has given IV Methylene blue post cardiopulmonary bypass for catecholamine-refractory vasoplegia. The only knowledge I had of methylene blue was the antagonist to cynanide...
  7. post-op cabg care

    :redpinkhe I think it depends on the program and how sick the patients are pre-op, nontheless post-op. The hospital I work at does 50 cases weekly...and we recover some sick patients. We use D5 1/3 NS...
  8. What is up with insurance?

    Doesn't sound right to me. I don't consider a PPM/AICD major surgery. It is a procedure that takes a couple hours. When did the cardiologist actually start? The pt could have been waiting for the...
  9. Recovery after mitral valve replacement

    It is not too uncommon for someone like yourself to have a patent formen ovale--a PFO closure is minor compared to your valve surgery. I find it hard to believe your PFO was caused by a IJ...
  10. Chest tubes vs. Blake/JP drains post OHS

    Just wondering if there are many Cardiac Surgery services that use mediastinal chest tubes vs. Blake drains post surgery and vice versa. I work on a cardiac surgery stepdown unit btw--and recently I...
  11. Report? And to whom?

    Be an advocate for this child... Do what your heart is telling you to do. I think, at the very least, you should educate mom regarding the effects of alcohol comsumption while breastfeeding. If she is...
  12. Applying for cath lab job, what should I study up on?

    Christi-- Everyone is entitled to their opinion in regards to a new nurse working in the cath lab. It all depends on the nurse. Cath lab nurses may operate in a different capacity compared to other...
  13. Change in Specialty to Cardiac Rehab??

    FitnessRN-- Please keep in mind that many facilities/hospitals CR nurses work in different capacities. The hospital I work for, the CR nurses exercise "well" patients with cardiac hxs or post cardiac...
  14. Charge Nurse responsibilities?

    I am one of the charge nurses on my unit. I work days 7a-7p and DO NOT take pts. I work for cardiac surgery stepdown for a very big teaching hospital. I handle bedflow, staff assignments, help out the...
  15. New RN off orientation...should she be alone?

    Nurse Kern, You need to report it to your supervisor/nurse manager ASAP. I have been in your situation before--"Oh, she/he is a new nurse..I will give them some time". Listen to your gut!! Put it in...