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About letmebeanurseee

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  1. WGU -When is the HW/Assignments Due?

    Is there a thread that explains how the program itself works in regards doing classes? Do you typically take one class at a time at your own pace and then go to another one when you are done with one...
  2. I am curious, I am wondering when WGU homework assignments are typically due? I plan to join WGU and I spoke to my Director and Charge Nurse how it would be better for me to have a set schedule so I...
  3. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

    Thank you for
  4. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

    GOOD LUCK! Did you test
  5. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

    Mosby's Drug Book! & honestly, only YOU can tell what you need. If you can answer questions without doubting your knowledge, get questions but if you are struggling with info then you need to...
  6. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

    Sorry for the late reply. I have been working and have been busy! How did you
  7. Struggling

    You need to ask yourself what you think is missing. If anything, find a tutor or old instructor. The way I look at it, you have several questions you need to ask. 1) Do I know my content as well as I...
  8. Hopeless Nursing Grad

    NCSBN, Google, & Libraries are your best friend. Plus that 35 Page Study Guide circling around here for
  9. NCLEX: Remember the time when...

    I had 75 and the ones that stood out to me without giving away was how to perform something that was pretty easy because I thought all the questions would be hard AND that most of my questions were...
  10. To pay for hurst... or not?

    It never hurts to try and it may be helpful! I loved Hurst to be honest. But if you feel like you are good for content, don't take it. If you are close to someone who is taking it...maybe ask for...
  11. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

  12. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

  13. I PASSED NCLEX-RN! My story and how I did it :D

    I remember that feeling! I hope for the best for you! You can do it! With God, all things are
  14. Taking my 3rd NCLEX RN on May 6th

    I kind of what to debunk this. Doesn't matter what type of questions they are. Just answer the questions individually the best you can. I only got 5-6 SATA and passed with 75. I event got simple...
  15. Studying for Boards

    My friend purchased Hurst and NCSBN! They do content but in different ways. It really is put to you. I have friends who passed just using NCSBN and friends who mainly used Hurst [: just utilize them...