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All Content by MissyERnurse

  1. I need help. =(

    The ER where I'm at isn't really run the way an ER should be. Once I get more experience I will apply back to my home town and get into a bigger and better ER later on down the road. This truly was a blessing in disguise and I'm happy I made the dec...
  2. I need help. =(

    Hi, I never thought I'd actually have the need to make an account on here until now. I'm a new grad nurse working at a free standing emergency room, basically an emergency room that's not connected to the hospital but at an offsite location. Anyway...
  3. I need help. =(

    Just an update. =) It turns out the stated issues that my manager had informed me of are pretty much false. If he actually spent a shift with me for one day, he would be able to see what the real problem is, and it's not me. The med surg floor really...
  4. Charting Systems

    I'm using the meditech dos version at my place of employment and it's terrible!!!! I've used the newest version of meditech as a nursing student and I think it would be so much better for the hospital than the crap they have us using. Forgive my lang...
  5. I need help. =(

    I had 6 years EMT experience, which is why they hired me initially. But I'll take any experience I can get. Every day is a learning experience for me and I soak it all up like a sponge. I love to learn and I always psyche myself out prior to doing so...
  6. I need help. =(

    Update: Doing well today on med/surg, they have me only with one patient to familiarize with the computer charting, but I'm going above and beyond, passing meds to all six of the patients my preceptor has, and documented two shift assessments rather ...
  7. I need help. =(

    Thank you for the advice. I had never thought I needed to be fluent in Spanish in order to keep my job. I always learn new words every day in Spanish and I can pretty much get the information I need from a patient. I'll have to look into taking Spani...
  8. I need help. =(

    Thanks you guys so much for all the wonderful responses. You're giving me the confidence I need in order to excel in this! I know I can do this. If I can manage during stressful busy tines in the ED, I know I can manage the med surg floor. I'm now a ...
  9. I need help. =(

    Yea, I think that's my main problem is that my Spanish isn't up to par. It's a huge setback for me, I think. That's what stalls me the most when it comes to care for the patient. I can explain simply, but when they start asking questions, which is fi...
  10. I need help. =(

    Not El Paso, I'm in McAllen, Texas. The thing is I'm not slow, I'm pretty quick when it gets to getting things done on patients. The only set back I have is when I'd need to do everything for a patient that is a baby and there is no one around to hel...
  11. I need help. =(

    Thank you for that. I got clarification from my manager and the things he wants me to work on are time management, prioritization and team work. I thought I had been working on all of that and I know I need improvement. It's not something that can ha...
  12. I need help. =(

    Right,? I will talk be talking to the floor manager and make mention of it to him. I'll let you know what he says, I'm meeting with him soon.
  13. I need help. =(

    Believe me, I'm just as confused as you. If I do well, they'll let me cross train on peds. =/
  14. I need help. =(

    Also a little back story to where I am. I moved to a very densely Hispanic populated area, about 95% are Hispanic here. A lot of the population we see at the freestanding ED are children, most of it is simple stuff, just ibuprofen and Tylenol, but so...
  15. I need help. =(

    They will have me come back to the ER when I show I'm capable of surviving on the Med/Surg. Once that happens, I'll be cross training in pediatrics. I have my PALS and TNCC. The next ENPC course isn't until July of this year. And I agree, they shoul...
  16. I need help. =(

    Yes, I wasn't clear on that. They're taking me out of the ED to have me do training on med/surg to improve my skills. I've strictly been in the ED the past nine months and I thought I was doing well. I know I have many things to work on and a whole l...