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All Content by ramonaa

  1. Hi there! I graduated about a year ago and after applying to 100 new grad programs with no interview or pre-interview, I began working at a skilled nursing facility. I keep seeing classmates that moved back to CA with less experience (work and volun...
  2. summer 2015 sharp San Diego new grad program

    I graduated in dec and applied to 11 programs, still only under consideration for psych. Didn't get anything related to OB or L&D.
  3. My chances at NYU Langone

    I have no advice... just wanted to say congrats! I graduated in December from NYU!
  4. CHLA RN residency September 2015

    Lhedges - i'm sitting here on my butt waiting for one too. I've been asking for MONTHS.
  5. CHLA RN residency September 2015

    Finished my packet but waiting to submit in case my peds instructor ever sends me her letter of recommendation! I'm going for onco