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All Content by Satsun

  1. So my new place of work is slowly turning into a crappy place. over the last month RNs have gone from 3-4 pts to 5-6 plus managing IVs for the LVNs who have gone from 4-5 to 6 pts. Poor CNAs have gone from 7-8pts to 10-14pts each!! We are all sufferi...
  2. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    well this whole time i was not aware that comments were being posted until today. Thanks for everyone's input. No, I didn't mean to refer to CNAs as MY inferiors and I respect my CNAs and never degrade them since us nurses depend on them so much, hen...
  3. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    +Buckybadger: yes, but who gets the write up? the lower people. The charge nurses/supervisors may get their butt chewed but higher ups in this facility are all one, mixing together with outings etc, so no one really gets in trouble. and my supervisor...
  4. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    I completely agree. Understaffing has been an issue and all the higher ups are turning the other way when anyone says that that's to be blamed for all the mistakes. they simply say "yea we know you're busy but.. still as a nurse bla bla" I got a "one...
  5. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    +middleagednurse :: That's exactly what's wrong with nursing. We are responsible for catching even the slightest cough that could potentially be fatal and "critically think up a storm" yet when it comes to being treated as people, "we don't have any ...
  6. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    I'd been thinking about it but after this situation I'm definitely searching. thanks
  7. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    mrsboots87 You make a good point, whatever I write can later be used against me... and I guess it is what it is. Thanks for everyone's input.
  8. Comments to make on an Unjust write up?

    Brownbook: Thanks. I understand that stating facts and admitting my mistake(s) makes more of an impact than crying about other peoples' fault. But I HAD admitted my mistake, saying that as busy as it was with the morning routine, med pass, everyone's...
  9. Were you to blame any more than the cna?? Was there a write up? Call and ask
  10. great examples! thank you :) i'm currently in exact same position, applying EVERYWHERE. now only trouble is getting through to someone to give me an interview, considering all i've had since 2 yrs of graduation is SNF experience, not good. i'm out of...
  11. 0 acute experience into OR?

    HI! i wanted opinions from nurses regarding someone (me) not having had any acute care experience (i've been working in LTC for 2 yrs) getting a job in the OR.. is it smarter to pass on that and go into med surg/PCU? obviously i'm gonna take what i c...
  12. 0 acute experience into OR?

    thanks Rose_Queen, good to know :) and Kalycat, thanks too.. i wonder why they say they like LTC experience for OR, wouldn't have thought they have anything in similar except prioritizing which any field of nursing does lol. But thanks! i haven't see...
  13. 0 acute experience into OR?

    thanks Rose_Queen, good to know :)
  14. HI. So i've been reading the PALS book for the course 2 days from today.. been doing good on the reading, but it's alot to memorize! i'm foggy on the algorithms cuz it seems all the same to me, assess, cpr, intervene, meds, reasses, etc.. anyway.. i...
  15. PALS provider..need prep help!

    thanks much, appreciate it :) dont really know how to delete my comment lol. oh well
  16. PALS provider..need prep help!

    i couldn't PM for some reason.. so it's [email protected]. leme know so i can delete when you've sent it. appreciate it mucho ^_^ and thanks everyone for commenting, it helps
  17. PALS provider..need prep help!

    Wow Calivianya thank u so much!! That helps alot..i am acls certified and knowing that they will review it all in class beforehand helps... thanks again! í ½í¸„
  18. Can't get a hold of BRN

    HI. I renewed my RN license for first time, and i received the renewal within 3 days! but as clumsy as i am, i lost it. So i mailed the duplicate request form, with the payment, and never heard back. this was 6 weeks ago =[ i have tried calling for t...
  19. Can't get a hold of BRN

    Thanks everyone for your input.. Well in California were still have cards.. I think I just might have to visit their office.
  20. Can't get a hold of BRN

    well it's about 3 hours away, and it's just a simple question if someone would just pick up the phone and let me ask..