mama, bsn

mama, bsn

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About mama, bsn

Just graduated in May, had first baby in April

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  1. This article insults nursing as a lower skilled job

    Let me first say that there are many adn's that are better nurses than bsn's and vice versa. I personally believe that a BSN should be entry to practice if we are to ever shed this label. Most adn programs take longer than 2 years anyway, so why not...
  2. Don't Like It!

    Well, I am going to make 1.50 less than both of our local hospitals pay. This is so worth it to me! I have a four month old, and knowing that I will be able to be there on Christmas, Easter, etc was definately worth it to me for the pay cut! I wen...
  3. Anyone Attend St. Ambrose University?

    I graduated from there this year. It's a good school. Everyone so far from our class has passed boards. They do have kinks to work out, being new and everything. It is expensive as heck!! Good luck!
  4. Don't Like It!

    Reading these posts about unhappy new grads is exactly why I am going straight to the office. I have a BSN and just took boards last week. I start on Monday at an office where I work m-f, 8-5, no weekends or holidays (paid holidays). I too, love p...
  5. Children and career?

    i do disagree with a poster who pointed out that even though her husband works and makes good money, she works to have an extra 40k around to provide her children with "everything". (sorry i can't provide the exact quote.) children, in my very humble...
  6. Children and career?

    I agree with Rohan!!!!!
  7. Children and career?

    thanks for this! Very encouraging! :)
  8. Children and career?

    I am not trying to start an argument, I am a Christian woman and do not want conflict. However, I do not think it is your place to tell other parents what their children need. There is nothing wrong with children going to day care as long as you fi...
  9. Children and career?

    Hi everyone, my name is Meredith. I just turned 22 in August and have been married to my wonderful husband for over two years. I had my baby April 26th, 2005 and I graduated on May 15! I had to make up a few clinical days so I just took boards and...
  10. Are priority questions really a good thing?

    Thanks everyone for answering my question and for the nice words! I am very happy to be joining the nursing profession! Meredith, RN, BSN :balloons:
  11. Are priority questions really a good thing?

    I guess you were all right. I had 75 questions and passed. It feels great to be a nurse!!! Meredith Robertson, R.N., B.S.N :rotfl:
  12. hi, i just took my nclex yesterday morning and it shut off at 75 questions. i felt like i guessed on everything! i had 2 ob questions maybe 1 peds, 2 mh, and all the rest were med surge questions on diseases that we maybe spent 5 minutes learning! ...