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All Content by kriscat

  1. Hi snailszy! Hey, good news that you have options to consider! You did not find NEU a good fit? I am waiting to hear back from them...Which one are you leaning towards ? where are you from? Congratulations on the scholarship too!!!
  2. Wow! That is awesome news! Congratulations!!! In regards to financing - Did you get any scholarships? I am just curious how it works, as some people in the past have said that they did not know about scholarships being awarded until the arrival of ...
  3. Thank you!!! I hope I left a positive impression, I was extremely nervous...(and my phone connection was at times static which made even more nervous that I was not hearing the whole question..) . By the sounds of it I was interviewed by the same per...
  4. Dear emmawdhous, I hope to have the chance to connect with my NU interviewer the way you have - I had a very negative experience with MGH staff (had a question in regards to additional materials to supplement my application, not an interview) and th...
  5. Congratulations @emmawdhous!
  6. Hello to All! I read most of the discussions on forums re Direct Entry Programs in Boston and was wondering - Did anyone here applied to a FNP track at Northeastern? NU is the first school i heard back from, and I actually have an interview set up fo...
  7. Hi to All! I went through all the forums' entries re this topic (or similar) to find out (and connect with) some one that had also applied to the Direct entry FNP track like me - And where? I just heard back from Northeastern this morning to arrange...