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All Content by TeleRN44

  1. Hearing Impaired Nurse

    I'm always flabbergasted when sympathy for nurses, especially those with some kind of illness or disability, all but evaporates. Be kind and sympathetic to our patients, their families and ancillary...
  2. Hearing Impaired Nurse

    I'm always flabbergasted when sympathy for nurses, especially those with some kind of illness or disability, all but evaporates. Be kind and sympathetic to our patients, their families and ancillary...
  3. Patients & Pet Peeves

    Able bodied male patients who are suddenly incapable of using their arms to place their own twig into the urinal. I'm not referring to pleasantly demented older gentlemen or a younger guy post...
  4. Quit during orientation

    I was a care tech for six plus years before I became an LVN/LPN. I was an LVN/LPN for eight years before I became an RN. I've wiped my fair share of butt, given baths galore and will continue to do so...
  5. I've had a few patients say some truly shocking things. One truly heinous patient managed to alienate the entire staff, not just myself, with her racial comments. She was a handful and would shriek a...
  6. Waiting in the ER & Heard This

    I understand not liking long ED waits and all, BUT lying simply to be seen faster and wasting the ER staff's valuable time is a pathological condition all by itself. Someone with a true medical...
  7. patient satisfaction scores

    More staffing sounds like a simple solution but not every facility, especially considering the ever growing culture of doing more with include people, is going to jump at the idea of hiring...
  8. Here we go..... I have 24 Class C Misdemeanors...

    I wish you the best of luck and I pray that your luck changes or holds (perspective, I guess.) Just as the Dean at your nursing school gave you the benefit of the doubt and allowed you to prove the...
  9. Nurses need water couldn't be more judgmental OR more wrong if you tried! There certainly isn't anything wrong with MY time management skills as it is the Physician who is running 1 1/2 to 2 hours behind. He...
  10. Nurses need water

    I am too...especially due to the lasix and topamax I have to take for chronic health issues. I recently changed positions and my new boss (an MD) expects us to work for hours on end with no...
  11. Theme song to your Nursing career?

    I love your list and actually have a playlist on my iPod named "Going to Work" that has several of the songs you mentioned. I would add the following: The Freaks Come Out At Night by Whodini "And...
  12. Best Hallucinations Thread

    This applies to no particular patient but an occurrence: we get OODLES of phone calls from either 1) the hospital operator or 2) what I suspect is the 911 operator after sun-downing patients have made...
  13. What would you do?

    I'd have to your position...neither. Both remind me of what we dump out of urinals/catheter bags (amount of head on the top, of course, varies on degree of renal failure). In your position? I...
  14. Lpn around Scott AFB

    I'll be honest, there aren't a whole bunch of places that are hiring THIS (Illinois) side of the river for LPN positions, unless you're looking for something in a physician's office or possibly in a...
  15. Best Hallucinations Thread

    I worked on an end-stage dementia unit and there was a sweet little old lady across from the nurse's station with a serious poop fixation. I didn't realize how bad until Valentine's Day rolled...
  16. Epic (Nursing) FAILS!

    A PCT came to the nurse's station and stated that she needed help down the hallway. It was just after midnight and things had just quieted down. We had just started to open our charts and frankly,...
  17. Hospitals... the only place where...

    Hospitals...the only place where we can, more or less, tell what might or might not be growing in your bodily fluids based on smell alone...or whether or not you're bleeding. C-diff poo? :poop:...
  18. Thank you to the OP for an insightful article on what, sadly, appears to be a insidious problem. I went nursing school with a student who it was discovered, shortly before graduation, was not only...
  19. Dangerous patients

    In my experience, dementia seems, more often that not, to exacerbate the less flattering attributes of an individual's personality. On our floor, when they start to sundown...they hit, scratch, kick,...
  20. Dangerous patients

    Ouch, while I can understand this point of view, I don't feel that this response is at all fair to the OP. She, too, is trying to do the best for her patient population and her co-workers. If there is...
  21. Students don't do prep at our facility...but I'm always stymied by the select few who wander through with Go-Go dancer make up and their hair down like they've rushed in from a shoot in a heavy metal...
  22. auditing call lights?

    Our facility uses those lovely "tracker jackers" (as we affectionately call them...NOT) and they're considered "part of our uniform" and therefore mandatory each shift we work. There are two...
  23. MICU nurse becomes Trauma Pt.

    Thank you for sharing your story and I'm glad you were able to turn such a painful, frightening experience into something positive. I have come to believe that there is a certain perspective gained,...
  24. Please, take your Warfarin!

    Yanno, Coumadin isn't all bad and this is coming from someone who has had to take it on a daily basis for the last four years. I like it a whole lot better than the alternative for me...death without...
  25. Kindred Healthcare

    Thank you for the valuable information on Kindred...I had been wondering about them as well. I'm all for a vigorous and thorough orientation but have no desire to be worked until I drop or quit in an...