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All Content by MaxiZilla

  1. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    I saw it as well. I'm going forward with my Valencia summer term ASN program compliance stuff... Both options are amazing but I don't want to put all my nursing school eggs in the one UCF basket and risk being left in the cold haha. If UCF accepts me...
  2. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    Yeah I live around Winter Springs/Casselberry myself and will commute. I have those pesky child/man/house stuff out here as well . I do however hope everything goes smoothly with the dorm rooming for you guys! I hear it can be a pain sometimes.
  3. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    I know! I really hope this year is faster, that's like the last minute.
  4. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    UCF finally marked my prereqs as received so I guess they're making headway lol. I heard from Valencia and if I don't get in to UCF I'll likely be starting VCC's Generic ASN this May and doing the ASN-BSN with UCF after I finish next fall. But man oh...
  5. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    Mine are still under review too! I wonder if they'll stay like that until they review the actual applications...
  6. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    I know right, this is stressful! I keep dreaming about it then waking up and realizing we have weeks left!
  7. 2015 Nursing School Applicants (all)

    Thank you! I've been really sick this week so seeing that email was a great mood boost haha!
  8. 2015 Nursing School Applicants (all)

    Figured I'd update one of my questions. I've been accepted to the ASN program I applied to. Currently awaiting word from the BSN program before accepting.
  9. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    Just droppin in and bumping the thread! Hope everyone is doing well.
  10. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    I know what you're saying with the kids, my daughter just turned five and I'm thankful I have her to keep busy and the quagmire that is kindergarten registration to wade through because otherwise I'd go nuts obsessively checking things over and over ...
  11. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    Okay the application deadline is passed, the countdown begins! I look forward to sharing the excitement/anxiety with you all! March 30-April 13 I believe is the window we're looking at.
  12. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    My prereqs still say under review as well! I emailed them asking about it but I have yet to receive word back.
  13. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    Man, I really thought this thread would have picked up by now with the deadline being two days away! Maybe people will find their way here after the deadline.
  14. why do nursing???

    Engineering College advertising executive please go
  15. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    I know and then weeeeeeks of waiting!! This is going to be painful lol
  16. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    tharper1983 I've been to an info session but they didn't go into much detail concerning orientation stuff, it felt all like general information. I really didn't learn much of anything that I hadn't already found out on my own besides an 85% TEAS scor...
  17. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    I think I received one of those emails back after I was accepted to UCF as pre-nursing. I haven't registered either. The way I see it, if/when we are accepted to the CON, we'll be notified with ample time in which to complete the necessary orientatio...
  18. 2015 Nursing School Applicants (all)

    What classes/exams do you have left? None! All finished. When will you begin submitting applications? I submitted two yesterday and will be submitting another come May. How many programs will you be applying to? Three Have you already been accepted i...
  19. UCF 2015 FALL BSN traditional program

    Hi! Figured I'd chime in here for my first post! I, too, have applied for UCF Fall 2015 BSN, I'm also going to apply for the Valencia/UCF concurrent when that time comes just in case. Might as well make introductions for possible future classmates! S...