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All Content by Penney.

  1. BCIT nursing Sept 2015 intake

    Hi Rayanne, I would't worry about it too much, I applied with almost 40 credits and a high GPA and they said I did above average on the questionnaire and I still did not make the cut! Could anyone who got accepted comment on about how many credits t...
  2. BCIT nursing Sept 2015 intake

    I got shortlisted as well! Ahh! Good luck everyone!
  3. BCIT August 2015 intake

    Hi Alyssa, I've applied for this intake too, and am also (in)patiently waiting to hear back! It doesn't seem like anyone has been short listed yet, and with the long weekend I doubt we will hear anything until at least next week. I am currently at...
  4. BCIT nursing Sept 2015 intake

    @skittles12 Yes I got in to langara! Have you applied for both as well?
  5. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    @lesfender- sounds like we've had the same struggle haha. I'm currently at Douglas finishing academic foundations this semester, even though I'm fairly sure patho and micro won't transfer to langara. I applied for winter 2016 as well for a backup. Do...
  6. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    @lesfender, this intake does seem like a very competitive one but don't get discouraged! Not everyone they have made offers to so far will accept... From personal experience I can say that finally getting accepted has been a huge process. I went to S...
  7. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    Or if you just want your gpa for the 5 courses you can add them up and divide by 5... 4.33 is an a+ , 4.0 an A, 3.67 an A- .... 3.33 B+, 3.0 B, 2.67 B-, and so forth.
  8. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    If you go to your current institution account online and look at your unofficial transcript it will say your current gpa there... However not all schools use the 4.33 scale so that may not be helpful...
  9. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    I had to accept the offer as they only give two weeks to do that but so far I haven't had to pay anything. I won't find out about bcit until May probably and I'm not confident I will get in as it's super competitive so I might just end up at langara....
  10. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    My Gpa for the pre-reqs was about 4.1 but my overall was below that.
  11. Langara BSN Fall 2015

    Hello! I have accepted my offer for sept 2015 as well, still waiting on acceptance to bcit though which is my first choice!
  12. BCIT nursing Sept 2015 intake

    Hi everyone! I've also applied for Langara and BCIT for sept 2015. I am currently finishing up my academic foundations in nursing at Douglas, but because it's not a competitive entry for 2nd year I won't be waiting around to get in there. I current...