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All Content by nursingfuture85

  1. California Baptist University ELM Summer 2015

    Hey Guys, Can u give me FB emails or names to find u or u can add me. I created a secret group page...I think groups are way better than pages. Plus, its all private. You can find me under "Barbara Alvarado" or "[email protected]"
  2. California Baptist University ELM Summer 2015

    Congratulations! I too have been accepted! Time to celebrate!! :) I'm really excited to start and share this journey with you all!! :)
  3. California Baptist University ELM Summer 2015

    Hi everyone! I received an email to apply for a readmit, since the last class I took there was in the fall of 2014. The email said we will hear after Wed. So hopefully Thurs or Friday, before the weekend. :)
  4. California Baptist University ELM Summer 2015

    Yeah, I thought there were three too. In the application workshop they said it will be a group interview- around 8 people. As far as how many get accepted I know they accept 40. Last yr there was talk about adding more, but not sure if they are. My...
  5. California Baptist University ELM Summer 2015

    Hi hi! Just saw this thread. I have also applied to CBU's EL MSN program. I had to pick from Feb. 2nd, 3rd, and 5th for my interview dates. Wish I had an extra week like you guys. My stats-PAX was 123, didn't take GRE, I don't know my GPA but I do k...