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About 3doodle

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  1. UC Davis New Grad 2018

    Congratulations to those that have been called to interview. SierraMidwife, do you know how many they are interviewing for how many slots in L&D/Perinatal?
  2. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    Just got my rejection email. Hope some of you received better news.
  3. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    Anybody hear anything this week besides Jessica? Congrats to you Jessica!
  4. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

  5. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    That's what I've been thinking for days too. So discouraging. Just so you all know, no matter what, congrats to those that got selected and to the rest of you/us: I know you're awesome too and we'll eventually land the right gig for each of us. Best ...
  6. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    I'm still waiting painfully for news about Maternity (postpartum) too. So exhausting. I wish you all well and hope we all land in great positions soon.
  7. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    I got your novel and responded. Thank you so much!
  8. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    I applied to L&D and Maternity as well.
  9. Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

    Thanks for getting this started! Good luck to you.
  10. Lucile Packard RN New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I applied. Haven't heard anything. I haven't been able to find a true Fall 2017 thread yet.
  11. SFSU/Sequoia program 2015

    works for me too. Yes, PMing is good or you could also send an email to all those who received the "save the dates!" email. Thanks for sending it.
  12. SFSU/Sequoia program 2015

    Thank you so much Taraflesner for the information, especially the CNA tip. Pardon my ignorance, but is a tech the same as a CNA or does one become a tech first and then a CNA once certified? We should all plan something for that June weekend. I'm op...
  13. SFSU/Sequoia program 2015

    June 13th/14th works for me. I'm pretty open that weekend.
  14. SFSU/Sequoia program 2015

    Hi Tara, It's great to have you here and congrats on getting into the program. I can't wait to learn everything you know about the program. I would love to meet up sometime. How is mid-June for everybody who is interested in meeting up? And it is bet...
  15. SFSU/Sequoia program 2015

    Thanks for the scholarship info space monster. I'll have to check that out next year. kind1, I can't meet up until June. May is just crazy full with my job and my son's school commitments. I haven't seen a FB group yet but hopefully will soon. Accor...