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About NessaNurse

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  1. Am I a good candidate for ICU?

    Thank you for the replies! I am currently looking at positions in PCU (stepdown) and ICU at a local hospital :) I think it will be a good change for
  2. Is this ever acceptable?

    When I worked Peds at a children's hospital Policy said NOT to give the blood back..even on NICU/PICU..but some nurses did do it. I never did because of the risks associated with the practive. When...
  3. Am I a good candidate for ICU?

    I am currently looking at working in ICU. I have been working in outpatient PACU and preop for the last 2 years, for 2.5 years I worked on a pediatric med surg floor (trachs,gtubes,...
  4. Pricked with a dirty needle

    Oh my JessieRN that is scary! What was that patient thinking!? If they were with it that was a nasty thing for the patient to do, especially while you were
  5. Los Angeles NEW grad programs

    Children's Hospital has A new grad RN residency if you want to do
  6. California Hospitals are not forward thinking!

    Hmmmm at many hospitals where I have applied New Grads actually seemed to be the preferential new hire! I have 4 years experience but had a hard time finding a job!! So maybe it just depends on where...
  7. Perceptions on childhood vaccinations

    My survey said the same thing!! Maybe that could be
  8. How come t here are no Males RNs on a peds floor?

    Hmmm..when I worked at a childrens hospital on the floor I worked thier were quite a few guys. I think it varies at different facilities. Some of the kids prefered male nurses. Especially school age...
  9. Best way to start IV on infant or child

    Warm packs help. A good helper to help hold and hand you stuff..little guys are wiggly! Always have everything ready to go before you start. For little babies I like feet esp inner ankle. For older...
  10. briefs or diapers

    I like briefs unless this confuses the patient than I just call them whatever the patient calls them ..unless I'm working peds then diapers is acceptable (at certain ages of
  11. TPN and meds our facility we use syringe pumps to place mlutiple meds into a Y site, as long as they are compatible you are good to go really.. Some meds are compatible with lipids as well. If something...
  12. Policy on IV tubing/bag change?

    Where I work as well all bags, tubings ect are changed q24 h. Unless the bag is never entered (*ie no IV push meds, no entring w syringe pump, no piggy backs ect) it can stay for 72 h. So most...
  13. Is ICU experience a requirment for PACU?

    Hi! I started out in my chosen specialty in pediatric med/surg (rather high acuity for peds, very sick kids, some 2 to 1 patients, stepdown patients as well). I'm very interested in switching over to...
  14. trachealmalasia

    sounds like largynmalacia or perhaps a sub glottic mass of some sort. I agree with the post to see a Peds ENT to
  15. Antelope Valley Hospital

    I've Heard AV hosp. runs by team nursing in med/surg, so you have 8 pts w an LVn and an aide, not really what I'm used to. I grew up in the AV, I like it thier, but crime has gone up in recent years....