Oh wow! I've just read my post from 5 years ago! It brought tears to my eyes! Today I write a reply to this thread as a CRNA! I graduated May 2009 and now have been working for 7 months and loving it....
I just took my boards on thursday. I got the whole 170 questions. Boy was that long? Both my friends that got 170 questions passed!!! I have no idea how I did. And it wasn't the questions that...
Hi Gaylord-rn! Great name by the way!!! I just graduated from Drexel's Anesthesia program 3 weeks ago! Awaiting my boards. I am not sure where else you applied but Drexel was an excellent choice! The...
We all feel your pain. How did you study? Everybody swears by Valley. I am taking mine on May 28th. I am frankly just very scared. So much depends on me passing this exam. Like the bills that are...
I must agree! I am graduating in May and I must say if I didn't love what I do I would have quit my first semester. You NEED to love it. And yes, the admission committee will know your reasons why and...
TBICU, No you don't need to be talking alphas and betas in your interview. And if that is what they expect they are fools. That is stuff you'll be learning at school to the highest degree. Where else...
Argh! How many times have you taken the boards and what did you study from? That is a fear we all share. My first language isn't english and I have a hard time with tests. So I am fearing that myself....
Hi Tanguera, I am currently at Drexel's program and loving it. I am graduating in May 09 and although I applied to PENN they didn't offer me a spot there for the year I wanted. I have a friend however...
Hi Super Sleeper! As long as you find this romantic you are in the right place. Just make sure you save enough stamina to see it to the end. What school are you going to if you don't mind me
Here is a glimpse of my week: Monday: Class from 8am to 4pm. Come home at 4:30 so you can study for the classes that you just had and get ready for your cases in the OR the next day. Oh, don't forget...
Here is how I see it. There are different types of people in all our daily interactions in life. This happens to be that part of our life where we can't pick who to associate with and who not to...
How far along are you into the program? Loans are one thing but do you really want to go back to the ICU? Not that there is anything wrong with being a ICU nurse but after Anesthesia School and hopes...