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All Content by Missmissa

  1. Accepted into LPN program but having second thoughts...

    You can be a nurse and work in health care, and never have to be on your feet for long. There are lots of different kinds of nursing.. some you may never have to see a patient, or even selling medical equipment. Although this cannot be avoiding durin...
  2. RPN to BScN

    Colleges and universities seem to fail at giving a reasonable gpa average the student must achieve to get into these programs. A lot of them now from what I see and hear are even higher, but because you have the cut off gpa doesn't mean you will get...
  3. I think you have a pretty good shot, just because other people say something, don't let them differ you in what you want to do. Being in the 90's is a pretty good shot, 9 and 10 marks don't really matter, more so your senior years I believe. Also, ha...
  4. What is the best study guide for the HOAE exam?

    I'm aware
  5. What is the best study guide for the HOAE exam?

    I find this funny because I attended Fanshawe for pre-health. I didn't do well on HOAE, either did my friends. Honestly, it doesn't matter about how much you study, I mean good for you but they can ask you anything - please keep this in mind. Fanshaw...
  6. How soon after becoming an RPN can you bridge to RN?

    I think it depends she you finish the program and when you write your final exam, although you can still apply to an RN bridge program if you have proof you are going to write the exam but you obviously have to pass, I'm sure
  7. What is the best study guide for the HOAE exam?

    Sorry for the late reply, I did take it... I thought it was a joke honestly, I'm better at science then math. A lot of the questions from the math were fractions and ratios, which I'm sure you will be getting with the book. A lot of the questions I'v...
  8. What is the best study guide for the HOAE exam?

    This is probably something you don't want to hear... I took the exam a couple of months ago and I got a study guide to help me. Well, it ended up doing me no good. I wish I could tell you what to focus on but the topics are honestly so broad. I got m...
  9. Should I first be a PSW then bridge to RPN?

    I also forgot to say.. I don't think it would make it "easier" to get in, but it would probably help. I don't really think any of the things you learn in practical nursing relates to PSW.. Although I heard you can apply to jobs after graduating first...
  10. Should I first be a PSW then bridge to RPN?

    If you choose pre health, please be aware you have to be really good at math. I'm sure not all schools are like this, but the one I went to you had to be basically fluent in math without a calculator. I heard George Brown is pretty good, um Mohawk, C...
  11. Should I first be a PSW then bridge to RPN?

    I know it's hard to get in! Marks have to be very high I didn't realize this till I was in college myself... You could always try pre health, it is hard and from your post you seem to have already taken courses over again? If you choose to do the PSW...
  12. You can call admissions and ask if you got in Good luck :)
  13. Need help

    I never went to adult night school or any kind of school out of high school. I don't live in Ottawa either so I cannot speak in that area but I have heard or know people who have gone back to school and did really well. Make sure the school is obviou...
  14. Is there no hope??

    You could always try getting into pre health or general arts - science stream, if you don't get in. Hard course work- to be expected, but worth it if you put the time in
  15. Hi there, I applied to RPN programs at Georgian, Mohawk, Conestoga, and George Brown.. just wondering what the differences were, pros, cons and overall experience if you attended one of these schools. Please don't hold back information it would help ...
  16. Feeling defeated...already

    check your inbox and we can discuss more
  17. Feeling defeated...already

    I started Sept 2014 and ended in 2015 lol... I didn't even know anything about transferring... I know a lot of students who are in general arts stream, hoping to get into RPN and other programs, and are told they "won't" because their marks are not ...
  18. Feeling defeated...already

    Aha it is true unfortunately..
  19. Feeling defeated...already

    If you fail a course in pre health at Fanshawe in first semester they kick you out, and the courses you did pass do not count and you'll have to repeat the whole semester. They have really great programs to get into, if you want to go to BSCN progra...
  20. Feeling defeated...already

    Don't go to Fanshawe for pre health, from personal experience it's very hard and unfair. I was there last semester and we had 600 students at the London campus, it went to 250 students. Not trying to tell you where to go or anything, I just don't wan...
  21. Humber College RPN Entrance Exam

    Even the book they recommend was for HOAE, even if it's not the same thing, the general information I gave to you about the science is helpful.
  22. Humber College RPN Entrance Exam

    Humber refers to the test as the HOAE lol
  23. Humber College RPN Entrance Exam

    I forgot to add.. I knew someone last year who failed and still got in, not to Humber but another school.
  24. Humber College RPN Entrance Exam

    If you are referring to the HOAE, theres honestly no way to study for it. I took it last weekend I did study.. there were a couple of questions on chemistry. But nothing to do with the periodic table, um some were hard and I had no idea, not just the...
  25. Which RPN program would you recommend?

    What about Georgian did you like the most?