

med-surg, cardiac obs.

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About pipermom

pipermom has 11 years experience and specializes in med-surg, cardiac obs..

I'd rather be a SAHM but that'll happen eventually.

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  1. I'm so happy I'm getting teary-eyed!!

    COngratulations on a job well done. oh yeah, man tears are OK
  2. Shoes???

    I wear NewBalance 608's. I buy them two pair at the time and alternate. I have bone spurs and stress fractures on both feet and these are the only ones I've found that I can tolerate for 12 hours...
  3. Southern Union Community College

    I didn't go to SUSCC but I've worked with the student nurses from there while they were doing their clinicals. They're always very prepared and friendly to work
  4. Where to live in Alabama?

    I live in Opelika, near Auburn University. It's a fantastic place to live and raise kids. The local hospital, East Alabama Medical Center is the best hospital I've ever worked in. I came here from NC...