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  1. What got you into school?

    I believe I got in because of my stats, and because I didn't blow the interview. BS history 3.63 BSN/nursing prereqs 4.0 Cumulative undergrad 3.8 GRE 1510 2.5 yrs NSICU at a L1TC ACLS, PALS, CCRN I...
  2. My NS professors were NPs, CNLs, CNS's, and CNMs. I don't think there was a single instructor at my school (BSN, major university) who had a CNE. My current educator at work doesn't even have an MS,...
  3. I have an addiction. I smoke. I also happen to be skinny, and I occasionally find myself judging obese people. Then I check myself, and realize that just because I hate McDonald's, and don't really...
  4. Some schools require the CCRN, while others require two years of experience, or specify adult ICU experience. As long as the schools you're applying to require none of those things, you can go ahead...
  5. Embarassing but true, please advise

    As long as you don't lie about it, most misdemeanor first time offenses in most states won't keep you from getting a license or preclude you from getting a job. Definitely keep trying to contact the...
  6. Taking an unpaid vacation, is it possible?

    On my unit, we are allowed to take vacations without the appropriate PTO to cover them. On many other units it's not allowed - it came up at a staff meeting recently, and may change. You can always...
  7. Daytonite has passed away...

    I was worried since I hadn't seen much from her lately, and knew she had been dealing with some health issues. Her posts were invaluable to me while I was a student. Sad thing to
  8. Is this common practice or was I in the wrong??

    I don't know how common it is, but my hospital uses staff inservices as punishment for errors very regularly. We have regular staff meetings, and there's always a group of people who are required to...
  9. I responded once to an overhead page, after they'd asked for doctors and got nothing. A gentleman had a seizure in the aisle right next to me. The guy woke up, turned out diabetes ran in his family,...
  10. Lost Jehovah's Witness to H/H

    I'm not particularly religious, but I try my hardest to respect those who are. I've also seen two patients die because they were JW and refused transfusions (and I'm also a newer nurse - we have a...
  11. Beating Stress post duty

    When I get home, I fix a snack and curl up with a good book, a glass of wine, and a cat or two on my lap. I read for an hour or two before I go to bed so I can get work out of my brain before trying...
  12. To take a break or not take a break

    I started with a BSN, but chose to wait a year before taking classes towards my masters. I might at least take a semester and see how you feel. You'll be studying for boards right after you graduate,...
  13. Your health chem class will not fill an o/biochem requirement anywhere I'm applying that has one, but of course schools vary. Many schools don't require all of those classes, but many would like you...
  14. Second Job: Agency vs. Pool pros/cons

    I think I'll try for PRN, and then I could always sign on with an agency if I still wasn't getting enough hours. How does scheduling usually work when you work PRN? I don't think it will be a problem...
  15. Demographic and previous career details: how long have you been a nurse? 18 mo Age? 30 gender? F What was your previous career? Bartender Did you receive a college degree in that specialty? No, but I...