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All Content by Stroomeendje

  1. Mohawk RPN January 2015?

    Just out of curiosity, I was wondering where everyone is from. I am from St. Catharines and I am moving to Hamilton later this week. While I am being very selective about what I bring along with me, I still feel like I have way too much stuff to move...
  2. Mohawk RPN January 2015?

    Philvane, the mask fit is supposed to determine which one of those masks you will need. I did mine through Mohawk just over a month ago. Everyone was tested for the same mask. Anyone who did not fit that mask then had to continue trying on other type...
  3. Mohawk RPN January 2015?

    Hello everyone! I have also been accepted for the January start for the RPN program at Mohawk. My jaw dropped when I saw the cost of all the books we need... to think that I thought my university textbooks cost a lot!