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  1. Frontier University as FNP

    Does frontier have many exams ? If so do u go to a proctor site or how does that work? Thank
  2. I also hated my first job! I'd come home crying! You just have to find what your interest is in. I was working in cardiac PCU and all I wanted to do was psych but I knew I needed medical experience...
  3. South University FNP MSN program???

    Please reply if you have completed or going through the online MSN FNP program through south university -Do you recommend this program? -if you were to do this all over again would you still choose...
  4. FNP vs. PMHNP

    Hi, I was hoping someone would be able to help me. I am torn between going to school for my family nurse practitioner or for Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I was wondering, as a family Nurse...