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All Content by didi.ricks

  1. Mountain View College Fall 2019

    Hey all! I was an MVC nursing student back in 2017, unfortunately I had some serious issues going on and had to step out. My mom had quite a few health scares. It was already hard financially and then I had to try and help pay her bills while she was...
  2. Hello everyone! Just trying to see if there's anyone out there applying to Mountain View College (Dallas, TX) nursing program and if so have you gotten an email back for an interview?! I did, and I'm a little nervous! I hope I get in. I've been tryi...
  3. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Just to try and answer some of the questions I missed out on.. YES, all immunizations are required. There aren't really a bad or good amount of points. In my opinion, it was more case by case basis. I apologize for the late replies. I had quite a l...
  4. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Hello, Meganbanks16 I wouldn't necessarily say there is a satisfactory score. It really is case by case in my opinion, that is. I went in with (what I thought) not so many points. But I must've did great on my interview because I was granted acceptan...
  5. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Adrkarki, the core classes are required to apply.
  6. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Thanks! Has anyone received the information for success camp yet?
  7. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Well... I've been removed from the waitlist and admitted/accepted into the program! Got the email early this morning, ANDDD a fellow nurse coworker of mine bought me a Littman for school! Today's been pretty good! Looking forward to the journey besid...
  8. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    No, but I'll check with the currrent student I associate with and ask her if they know about any app deadlines and such for spring and let you know!
  9. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    I would imagine they do since they've been starting some off in the Spring. I was told even if I don't come off the waiting list for Fall entrance that I would start in Spring. Maybe they are working on getting the deadline together now, perhaps?
  10. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    No I haven't! I will be notified when y'all are because I have todo the success camp and everything with yall. So far iv not been notified that someone law has chosen elsewhere either. Just taking it Day by day.
  11. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Yes. White tops and blue bottoms. Royal blue, at that.
  12. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Will do! And yes, very much still worth celebrating!!
  13. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    quick update: I was the number 2 alternate. So when Buttercup0630 declined, the number 1 alternate was contacted and she accepted. That's not to say I won't ever get called up. I am aware that some students have difficulty getting cleared from the BO...
  14. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Most definitely! It's better than rejection lol. Wonder which number alternate I was? But just as an earlier commented stated, some might have trouble getting pass the BON approval if so, that should open up more spots. I'm proud of myself for not gi...
  15. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    She told you after you declined that it was one more spot? And I'm thinking positive, lol. Didn't mean to put that sad face in my last comment. either way, I'm okay. At least I know if I don't start this fall that I will in the spring. That's a bonus...
  16. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Congrats on acceptance to both; and best of luck to you! Even if I'm not admitted this fall, I'd take the spring entrance. Hopefully I'm pulled from the wait list, If not I will be alongside you guys the following semester! (:
  17. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    If they told you not to make plans, it sounds like you're in! Congrats! I finally spoke with her. She said me and about 4 or 5 others were placed on a waiting list. If students don't show up, or choose another program then they pull from the waiting ...
  18. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Thank you! I called and she said she was in the middle of something but would call right back as soon as she could. I'm sure she's quite busy because even during the semester anytime I emailed her for something regarding our class content for patho,...
  19. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Per the interview, she (Self-Drake) said we would be notified regardless of acceptance or rejection. After speaking with current students some of them said they were notified both early and late too. So who knows. If nothing by end of week, I will aw...
  20. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Thank you!
  21. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    It wasn't a plan to apply to just one, the other schools on my list had other requirements that I just recently completed or will this summer. MVC wasn't even on the list. The Dean of nursing is my professor for pathophysiology and actually told me t...
  22. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    What Buttercup said! I was told they're on warning. They've been around the longest but from what I hear the instructors aren't as great as they used to be. MVC I hear is a great program, but I've heard pros and cons on both schools. I'd maybe search...
  23. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    Personal. I called and left a voicemail and emailed and she responded in email saying she was out ill and would send out notifications when she got back. Hopefully I just get a late acceptance if not oh well. I'll keep trying elsewhere.
  24. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    most definitely! If I may ask, who all did you receive your email from? Mrs. Drake emailed me and said she's out ill with bronchitis and would send notifications out as soon as she got back... But I thought that's who sent out the notifications perio...
  25. Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

    congratulations! I did not, unfortunately. She said we would get one whether we got in or not, so I don't know if I'm just going to be notified late or what. However, I am going to go ahead and send in my apps for other schools since I don't seem to ...