Mountain View College Nursing Fall '17

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone!

Just trying to see if there's anyone out there applying to Mountain View College (Dallas, TX) nursing program and if so have you gotten an email back for an interview?! I did, and I'm a little nervous! I hope I get in. I've been trying for years now to get on the nursing track and I finally feel like I may finally have a real shot! Good luck to all you nursing majors out there!

I applied and I have received the email for the interview. I did notice that it said we would have to write an essay. Kinda wondering about that..........I've applied to several schools for Fall 2017 and none have anything like that. Looking forward to the interview though!!

Good Luck!!

I work in a hospital where a few of their students do clinicals. She told me the interview is something like a easy going conversation so that they can try and get to know you better and just make sure you up for the challenge. The writing sample Mrs. Self-Drake said they won't give us the topic until we are there. That's makes me a little nervous! I'm waiting on an email back from her to schedule my interview. I am trying for the 26th or 27th. Have she emailed you back to confirm yours?

Hi didi.ricks,

I sent an email to her assistant with my available dates but I have not heard back from her yet. I will try again tomorrow just in case she missed it. Do you know how long the essay has to be? Just curious.....Good Luck and let me know if you get accepted. Looks like a really good program they have there according to the TBON.

No, the student never told me that part. They don't give you the topic until you're in the interview so it could be different per person vs per class, you know? My interview was confirmed for 04/26/17. I will keep you updated. I hope and pray I get accepted. I believe notification day is May 5th, via email again. I did some research on the program prior to applying and spoke with my coworker nurses that does the precepting for the MVC students. They all had really good things to say about the students. One said she feels they are very well prepared and are pretty alert to what they are learning when they come to clinicals &that alone made me feel better for applying.

Hi I'm applying to mvc this fall. My interview is today I'll write back afterwards to tell you how it is í ½í¸Š

Please let me know how that goes and about the writing sample they do! Mine is next Wednesday! Good luck!

Hi all!

I too applied for the nursing program. I have my interview scheduled for Tuesday 4.25.17. I'm super nervous about the essay part. I have no idea what they'll throw at us. I really want to get in. I've been trying for years now and I really think I can do it!

Same here! Just looking for the one school that'll give little ol me a chance, haha! Your interview is one day before mine! Keep us updated and good luck!

I'm nervous because I messed up! I actually had my interview today but on my way over there I got hit on the freeway by an irresponsible driver. He swerved onto my lane without realizing he was too close to me and hit my car on the side rear. I unfortunately did not make it to my interview at 10am and had to reschedule with Ms. Drake. Hopefully this doesn't affect me for my interview on Tuesday. I was trying to head over there as soon as I was done with the police but they recommended I reschedule.

Oh my goodness! I'm glad you're okay! This is why I scheduled mine for next week because I have to get my car to the shop tomorrow and get the rental because someone hit my car 2 weeks ago and their insurance is just now getting everything in order. I didn't want to be too overwhelmed with both scenarios the same day.

I go for my interview Wednesday, guys! I'll keep you updated! I hope to see many more prospects come to this blog.

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