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All Content by gemmi999

  1. Silverado hospice anyone?

    Hi! I know this is a pretty old thread, but i'm looking for info on Silverado Hospice. Did you end up working there? Did you like it?
  2. I made a decision!

    I have been struggling with my current situation for about one month now. I'm currently an ED RN but I hate it, but I was scared of leaving before I had one year of acute care experience. I'm at 10 months now. There are nights without a charge, wher...
  3. Acute Care vs Hospice

    For those of you that know me, I've been working in a community ER for 8 going on 9 months; At first it was great but we have lost *tons* of staff over the past few months and it's getting (in my opinion) scary. There are nights when we have a new g...
  4. Leave Acute Care for Hospice?

    I have been working as a nurse in a community ER for about 8 months; This is my first nursing position. While I like the diversity of patient's that I see, I don't like the quality of care patient's receive. Instead of spending a lot of time working...
  5. ED to Hospice

    I know this is an older thread, but I'm looking for some insight. I graduated nursing school about 1 year ago and got hired in a small ER. I've been there about 8 months and I'm already sensing ER burnout. It started on Christmas Eve when we had th...
  6. Bedpan Changing Question

    Sounds like the upper management at my facility! They decided that the ER should only get 4 foley cath's a day. Doesn't matter what the need is, they will only supply 4 and after that you have to borrow from other departments, etc. This policy got ab...
  7. Help! Specialize... or Med Surg???

    Hijacking thread (just a little) to ask a quick question. I know I want to end up in education. Right now I'm a New Grad ER RN but I'm looking to leave my ER. If I want to be a well-rounded teacher, should I look more towards med/surg? I've applied ...
  8. Case Management/Utilization Review Help

    MCO? I'm new to this area of nursing and wondering about the abbreviations. Also--where is the best place to look for job postings? Indeed? Private websites? Networking?
  9. Best ways to teach pharm?

    I found that the most helpful part of pharm in clinicals was looking at a "sample patient" and their dx, labs, etc. Then we would list goals of where we wanted the pt. to be. For example--if the pt. had a Potassium of 6.7, we would discuss what is t...
  10. When you're done. Just done.

    I'm done. Like, I just honestly don't care anymore about my job. It's really sad because I've only been working as a nurse for 8 months and at this point I'm so burnt out on my job it's scary. Last night I received a critical lab value on a pt. in th...
  11. What Else Is There?

    I have about 8 months of ED experience in a small, community ED. I was determined to stick it out here for 2 years in order to have enough experience to transfer back to where I grew up, where all my family is, etc. Recently though there has been a...
  12. Nurse pt ratio in the er

    Depending on the area of the ER, we are typically 4:1; when we have an ICU hold (which happens A LOT because our ICU is tiny) we are either 3:1 or 2:1. Last night, for instance, I had an ICU hold that was unstable and one other room. Typically whe...
  13. Worried about phenergan IV push

    IN the ER I work there are no protocols in place re: phenergan, but I was trained to always put it in a 50 mL bag and run it slowly over at least 15 minutes; better, if the pt. is getting a fluid bolus, to insert it into the bolus and let it run over...
  14. Separate being Family vs Nurse

    I just went through something similar when my mother was in the hospital for resp. distress. I found it very hard to keep my opinion to myself but she would say things that just made me furious! When the doctor didn't even listen to her lungs, just ...
  15. Getting report during change of shift

    As an ED nurse, I try hard not to send pt's up during COS, but at times it happens. There are a couple reasons for this: 1) we're told no RN is available until COS when short staffing will be fixed; then, we need to call new RN to give report on the...
  16. New Grad Once Again?

    I am currently working as an ER RN. I am off my "new grad" probation and working full time in a small, community ER. I'm debating if I should stick this small, community ER out for a couple of years or if I should apply to a New Grad position at a ...
  17. New Grad Once Again?

    Thank you to everyone for your comments. After thinking it over I decided not to apply for the job. I do like where I work now. We are building a good team together and I trust/like the RNs and the ER docs. I think that is important enough for me to ...
  18. New Grad Once Again?

    The only reason I'm happy is because our *horrible* manager got fired last week! Otherwise it wouldn't even be a question, but in the past two weeks things have already started to turn around.
  19. Help, Pls! New to the ED

    I'm pretty new to the ED and everything people said above is true--team work, ask questions, check out "interesting" things that other RNs have, and teamwork! What I'd add-- 1) If you don't know something about a diagnosis--ask the ED doctors. I've ...
  20. Why???? Are?? They?? Failing???

    Also remember that most nursing classes are broken into two parts--didactic and clinical. At my school you had to pass both in order to pass the course. There are some people who excel in the classroom but are not able to make the same connections wh...
  21. To Leave or Not To Leave...

    I've worked as an RN for 6 months in a small town emergency room. Not a trauma center, but everything else is fair game. I was hired under an interim ER manager who has since left; a new one was brought in but that person left earlier this week. O...
  22. 1) I had my first "super packed" shift in ER when we didn't have enough beds or nurses and pts. were in hallways and corners (and they were actual patients, not healthy patients. 2) When a patient doesn't look right to you, and you take a second to...
  23. Unsafe Orientation for NG in ER

    So...I feel I got really, really lucky when I was hired by my hospital. I was hired under an interim manager before most of the ER staff ended up leaving the hospital. I was given 10 weeks of preceptorship WITH THE SAME PRECEPTOR on Days in ER, and ...
  24. How to Avoid Becoming Cynical

    I'm a New Grad RN working in ER, have been here for about 6 months. Tonight I had 3 patient's that are frequent flyers who already know me and recognize me; One has been in several several several times and I've treated her. I mention this because ...
  25. First Incident Report

    I made my first incident report today and I feel conflicted. Here's the situation: I'm an ER nurse. I got report from RN about four pts. Of those four pts: 1) one had a potassium level of 2.4 and was not on a heart monitor. Instead, laying in bed w...