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  1. Wh-wh-where'd all the CLC students go?

    Hey everyone, haven't been around for awhile. I feel kind of overwhelmed with getting a handle on all the reading and the work. Trying to find my stride, I guess. I think the most difficult is all...
  2. Wh-wh-where'd all the CLC students go?

    Question about EBO's. It's kind of dumb but do we turn these in for a grade? Also do they have to be worded in our own words or can I just copy the answers I find in the text word for word?...
  3. Wh-wh-where'd all the CLC students go?

    Collene, I took A&P at College of Dupage before I transfered to CLC, so we probably haven't met. I did take Micro with Rhonda Flemming in the evening though. I worked out the sitting situation-...
  4. Wh-wh-where'd all the CLC students go?

    Thanks Blue Wolf and Lori, I started my vaccinations back December and got my physical in May. So I just need to get all that info to the health center and I am good to go. I just bought my books...
  5. Samland Institute

    I did their weekend program in Bolingbrook because it was most convenient for me. Took 8 weekends, not too bad. The instructor was nice. I think it was probably easier and more informal then the...
  6. Wh-wh-where'd all the CLC students go?

    Hi, I'm starting first semester and we just had our nursing orientation meeting today. I am trying not to but I feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of "stuff" we talked about. Modules,...
  7. I Can"t Stand It Anymore!!!!!

    Exactly!! I'm not sure how the educational system got to the point where students are treated like dirt and we pay for
  8. Human Growth and Development Course

    I didn't want to dig back through the whole thread... Does anyone else have to write observation papers? We have to write three. Each one we are required to observe a different age group. I did my...
  9. IL CNA Classes?

    Someone already posted links to Samland. I took my CNA with them because it would have cost me a whole summer of paying a sitter to take the community college course. Also, taking it through...
  10. Knock, knock, where are the A&P 1 students

    I am thrilled, I got a 92 on the Lecture test and 99 on the Lab test. The lecture test I was shocked because I thought I had done really bad. It was an awful day with my son being in the ER all...
  11. Well, I was really obsessing. Guess what... I ended up getting an A (92) on the A&P exam. 3rd highest grade in the class. I swear, I thought I had gotten a C. I guess I wasn't as bad off as I...
  12. Thanks! I did try working without the benefits. I put in a request last week to cut down to two days a week, my weekend days. My request was denied. The head nurse said that I have to be working...
  13. I need advice, I need to vent. So just throw your thoughts out there. I'm on the fast lane to Burnout-ville. First off, I have 3 kids- a 9 year old who is autistic and two preschoolers. Which is a...
  14. OMG, this made me cry!

    Yep, that was my dillema too. My husband went 1099 because in his field it is easier to gain employment that way. But that meant I needed to go back to work, mostly for the health insurance. I've...
  15. Exasperated...! 5th rejection?!?

    Well, the problem is that the nursing shortage has caused there to be a shortage of nurse instructors. Also, at the ADN advising session, the nurse instructor also pointed out that there is a limit...