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About DCoello

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  1. GTCC ADN Summer 2015

    Jamestown campus right? I'm traveling 2.5 hours to be at orientation, just want to make sure I'm headed the right direction!
  2. GTCC ADN Summer 2015

    Perfect! Glad you replied because I couldn't get anyone on the phone. Thank you.
  3. GTCC ADN Summer 2015

    Hey! So the letter says orientation is Tuesday April 6th. they meant to say Monday?
  4. GTCC ADN Summer 2015

    Congratulations for those of you that got in! I received my acceptance letter 2 days ago. I received it will after we were suppose to respond and reserve our seat. I emailed Tiffany Bryant and she asked if I would like my seat and I told her yes. She...
  5. GTCC ADN Summer 2015

    Have you talked with Tiffany Bryant the nursing admissions counselor? I've been trying to contact her since earlier this week but haven't been able to. I wish I knew how many applicants they currently have and what the average point count is for acce...
  6. GTCC ADN Summer 2015

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone else out there is applying to GTCC for the LPN transition program in summer 2015. Also if anyone is currently in the ADN graduating class of 2015- how many seats are available? Although I hate it for the studen...
  7. GTCC ADN Spring 2015

    I am applying for Summer 2015 - I'm doing the transition as an LPN! I'm applying to GTCC and Wake tech. I took my TEAS and passed; I'm still waiting to meet with an advisor to do the point calculation. Would anyone happen to know approximately how ma...
  8. GTCC Forsyth fall 2014

    Hey there! I'm a LPN who is applying for the transition program at gtcc. My concern is passing the teas test and being able to get the points to help my application. I've already bought the study manual & used it the first time. Do you have any a...