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About medic2crna

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  1. I'm stuck

    Whilst??!!! Nice
  2. Beaumont Hospital

    Actually, if her brother in fact did not receive a c-scan, than she is not and cannot be called libelous. Libel is when you make statements that you know were not true. I feel that there was no error...
  3. Tell me what you think....

    You said it best when you said she acted outside of her scope of practice. Technically she could lose her license. I am sure that no harm was done and it was done with all good intentions. Would I...
  4. What is the Law for Nurses taking breaks?

    Can you lie prone with your eyes closed or on your side? I think this is
  5. Being a RT & a RN?

    What part of Michigan? I am very familiar with the program at Macomb Community College. Let me know if you need any help.
  6. Paramedics Calling for Pt Info

    As a long time paramedic, you absolutely did the right thing.
  7. RT vs RRT

    Same thing. RRT is short for Registered Respiratory Therapists. Many states now require RT's to licensed and request they be called LRT.
  8. Yes they's called medical school. 4 years of med school, followed by 4 years residency, and you are an anesthesiologist. The only other a CRNA can do is practice as a RN,
  9. SC4 vs. Baker College

    SC4 is St. Clair Community College. They also have a 1 year paramedic/lpn to RN
  10. Ethical dilemma

    Was this patient hospice? I can remember when my grandmother was near the end of her battle with lung cancer, I wanted her pain free. I would have given the med. This is never easy, but we as health...
  11. Rn - Msn (fnp)

    I am currently making some career decisions and was wondering if there were any male NP's? I am sure there are some somewhere, but realistically is this an option for
  12. U of D Mercy

    I work as a paramedic and will be attending their PA school this fall. I had a girl I work with just graduate fron their accelerated Bacherlor's ro RN program. She said the program is