future ARNP

future ARNP

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All Content by future ARNP

  1. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Your 3rd exam wow you guys are behind I already finish I start process 2 this friday
  2. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Mine either how are we supposed to know our room number for class since the system is down...
  3. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    I'm going to central 2 but I remember the dean saying it depends on your teacher so I would come in uniform tomorrow just in case and then ask the teacher.. you know just to be safe and make sure it's OK with the teacher...
  4. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    What were we supposed to do with the receipts to everything again
  5. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Are you serious I brought mine from South campus too... but I'm going to central
  6. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    No don't worry I took my hesi twice I didn't pass anatomy the first time and I'm in the program..
  7. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Does south let you try on the scrubs or is it only central that does that..
  8. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Did anyone buy uniforms yet. .?
  9. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Is anyone going to central know where to get the orientation package I emailed Nichole and she is not sure......she said maybe the bookstore...
  10. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    How did u put your paper work in order and did you put it in a folder or anything
  11. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Where do we get the orientation package from....for central does anyone nw
  12. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    You can't register early now you can because it's 8am
  13. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Omg guys I just got my fundamentals book this is the thickest book I have ever seen. ...
  14. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Trust me you can I'm the worst patient ever I hate needles but I can stick people with no problem when I'm at work I think of my patients as if they were my family member and you do all you can for them treat them like you know them trust me you will...
  15. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    I no I can't wait
  16. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Lol dolfanjenny she probably was I was sooo scared I don't want south campus. ..
  17. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    I am I still Don't no which one
  18. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    I just asked a bc nursing student she says they pick for us I hope not...
  19. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Lol a million pages:roflmao:
  20. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    No that's not the text book that's the clinical companion it helps you with the clinical i brought the same one.the textbook looks the same but doesn't say anything at the top.....
  21. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Yes it is dolfanjenny I went to the bookstore today to see how much was it it's 180 something......
  22. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    It's when you pick your campus the campuses have there own meetings... the one we are going to is just the general things for the whole program I was told we would fill out a paper saying which campus you prefer and what's the second best and what's ...
  23. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Lol nw your going to make me reread my letter to make sure it's the right time..
  24. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    I have no idea lol south is also closer to me too
  25. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    What campus are you planning on attending.