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All Content by goldenaz14

  1. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    I hope to see you in May!
  2. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    The school is the one with a name that starts with an A and has 3 campuses to choose from in Southern CA. I don't want to say the name directly because it is a good school and the people are fantastic. I just felt like it was a little bit of a bait a...
  3. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    Thank you for the info! Maybe we could qualify for sponsorship for advanced studies after working a couple of years? Or maybe I'm not understanding. I think UA offers some form of scholarship to those who qualify?
  4. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    Hi Bruins1990, I spoke with some current students after the interview regarding some of the above questions. Here's what I know. Clinicals are arranged by UA and we rotate through different departments and hospitals. I'm not sure what the exact setup...
  5. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    I'm not sure...
  6. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    Congratulations! I'll be inTucson. What about you?
  7. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    Hi ayansaid. Thanks for the kind words! I hope you get in, there are a lot of ways to be dropped before school even starts. And then other people may choose another school. I'm in Tucson and this was the only school I applied to. I cannot leave this ...
  8. U of Arizona MEPN 2015

    I got an acceptance letter!!! Need to get all the paperwork in right away so I can start planning! Congrats to all my future colleagues!