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All Content by hluscan

  1. The Enemy... The Nurse Manager

    It is the worst job. I know because I spent 3 years in administration, 1.5 years as DON and 1.5 years as ED nurse manager. I was on call 24/7 gave 100%, got so many things changed to make it better for the nurses, worked many shifts, sacrificed time ...
  2. Stay at home mom after degree?

    You will not be wasting a degree you will be investing in your children. I stayed home for 6 years and went back to nursing when they went to school. The best years of my life were spent at home with my kids-no regrets at all.
  3. I worked as an RN for 4 years and then stayed home with my kids for 6 yrs. I went to 1 day,a week when my youngest was 3. And then when he went to kindergarten went back full time. I did med surg and OB my first 4 yrs and med surg, same day surgery ...