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All Content by PrnAdnST

  1. How old were you

    I just finished my ADN a week ago and I will be 50 in June. I started at 46. I will be starting my BSN in February 2018. This will be my second career. First one is a Surgical Technologist, I went to school at 23. I have always wanted to be a nurse a...
  2. 2017 Med-Surg ATI Advice!!

    I just took my Advanced Med/Surg ATI this past Wednesday. We are converting to ATI from HESI at my college. I have taken both. I would say if you are doing well in the class you should do well on the exam. I was passing my Advanced Med/Surg course an...
  3. Working full-time while going to school

    I am in an exelerated ADN program. I work part-time (I am PRN) and go to school full time. I have done it for the last year. I am fortunate that my boss understands me being in school, she's a nurse. I couldn't have done it in my first year because ...
  4. Starting nursing school at 37...

    Don't contemplate, do it!
  5. Starting nursing school at 37...

    kerri76 Hi! I am 41 and contemplating going back to school to become an RN. Kerri 76, don't contemplate, do it!
  6. Starting nursing school at 37...

    I just turned 49 in June & I (hopefully) will be graduating in December this year! Advanced Med/Surg & Transitions... the struggle is real... are the only 2 (really 6 with theory, lab & clinicals) classes I have left in my ADN program... ...
  7. Favorite Motivational Quote

    Don't forget where you came from
  8. Favorite Motivational Quote

    Everyone has a first day
  9. Favorite Motivational Quote

    See one, do one, teach one.
  10. What's wrong with me?

    Love this post! Thanks to all who posted!
  11. Typical week in nursing school?

    At present I am a full time nursing student. I am in an execrated program, ADN. I carry 12 credit hours & will continue until I graduate. At work I'm a Surgical Technologist. I work as much as possible. I have the luxury of having a great boss w...
  12. Nursing Survey

    1. What is your age? 45 to 54 2. What is your gender? Female 3. Are you satisfied with your chosen career choice? Sometimes 4. Do you think you are valued at work? No 5. Do you think attaining higher education will help you advance in your job? Ye...
  13. 1.Use an app on your cell phone to record lectures so you can listen to them anywhere. Some app's let you save to online file websites. Be sure to ask for permission first. 2. Buy a smartpen and notebook set that will record audio during lectures, as...
  14. Maintaining health while in nursing school

    Being in nursing school since 2014, I am also looking for tips and working on ways I can keep my exacerbations in check. I suffer from IBS, & anxiety, and now HTN, that have gotten worse since I started school. I am so out of shape... 2016 was a ...
  15. Passed NCLEX in 75- Review, Recommendations and Relief

    Can I get a copy of the 34 p NCLEX review? [email protected]
  16. Specialities in the Operating Room...

    I am not an O.R. RN yet 1 year to go for that... I am a Surgical Technologist, I can scrub everything but open hearts & robotic cases. I love, love, love, being able to scrub most everything. I am working PRN at an outpatient center while being ...
  17. New to OR -need advice -arrogant rude surgeon

    Been in the O.R. for 24 yrs, worked in 5 hospitals, been thrown out twice. Once because I'd never scrubbed the case and asked a question. Second time, because my boss had me leave a new person with a crazy doc, he hated new people (she held her own)....
  18. Failed again 3x loser

    I would say recruit a good friend who knows you. One who will hold you accountable, maybe even a school friend that knows your weaknesses. Meet with them weekly to discuss things you might want to go over. You may want to connect with some instructor...
  19. Failed again 3x loser

    Please don't be upset! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep trying! I haven't finished nursing school yet but I can understand your frustration. On Thursday this week, I will be repeating my Med/Surg 1 class for the third time... yes 3 time...
  20. Cool in a Crisis: Nurses Saving Lives Off the Clock

    Great article. I am in awe of these nurses and hope if something happens like this around me, I will be able to react like these nurses did.
  21. How did you study for A&P?

    I used a smart pen too, listened to it over and over. I still use my pen for my nursing classes. Best thing I ever bought for school. I was also lucky to have my instructors have video online lectures and I would listen and follow in my book with my ...
  22. Bookbag for nursing school?

    Hello, I have a couple thoughts... I bought a Zuca rolling bag for Nursing school. I love it! It holds a lot kinda like a mini locker. It's really easy to move around and t's very sturdy too! Yeah, It's a bit pricey, but I have used it for 3 years no...
  23. Laminate diagrams

    In A&P I would use page protectors and a dry erase marker to test myself on the pictures we had for the systems. I will have to dig out my old page protectors!! Thanks for this tip!
  24. This past quarter we had a lot of Med/Surg 1 students fail the class, and we are all waiting to see what they are going to do. I know at least 6-10 students that didn't make it. We have all been in school for over a year at this private college and h...
  25. I use the Echo, it had the best ratings, when I ordered it. I have found that if you order the notebooks off the Livescribe website they are cheaper than amazon and took about a week to get to me.