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All Content by FirstYear2005

  1. Taking blood pressures

    i had the same problemtoo , now i have no problems. just practice and you will be fine. you'll have to practice at home, and DO get your own steth, cuff,etc. the ones our school had were not the greatest.
  2. Nurses: Delighted or Annoyed by Nursing Students?

    i think i have a pretty good nursing class, there is only 30 of us , 10 in each hospital and we are all older, mature, and for the most part pretty smart. I always feel nurses out before I try and shadow/learn from them.
  3. Relocating to South Texas

    UH OH that does not sound good ! An early welcome for when you do get here ! :balloons:
  4. Group One background checks in Texas

    Is group one some kind of credit bureau or what ???? Where do they get their info from ?? this is very disturbing to say the least!
  5. Strange Nursing Student

    good golly on the guy who was molesting patients. how very sickening. i hope he went to prison !
  6. Relocating to South Texas

    oops, sorry LOL where ya at ?
  7. Relocating to South Texas

    Nasty nasty nasty to berate someone's home state. Tacky to the max.
  8. Help me understand diabetes

    We are studying diabetes now. I guess I don't understand where the HYPOGLYCEMIA comes in , if diabetes is mostly hyperglycemia ?? Why are there such extremes in blood sugar ? Any help would be appreciated ! Thanks !
  9. 1st semester: How many students have you already lost?

    0 so far, out of 30. knock on wood. i'll be surprised if we loose anyone at all ! everyone seems very bright and eager.
  10. Help me understand diabetes

    Thanks for the advice. I am doing some searches and helping myself undestand. let me ask this : WHY are carbs such a big part of the diet when carbs are basically sugar, and the person already has high blood sugar ???? Sorry about your cat LOL I ha...
  11. Help me understand diabetes

    Thanks for the advice. I am doing some searches and helping myself undestand. let me ask this : WHY are carbs such a big part of the diet when carbs are basically sugar, and the person already has high blood sugar ???? Sorry about your cat LOL I ha...
  12. What was harder? Non-nursing bachelors or ADN?

    nice to see other psych people out there ! What did we think we were going to do w that degree anyway (lol) i personally thought i was going to work in a battered women's shelter, a hospital, or even a nursing home .. little did i know that social wo...
  13. Here's how stupid the nursing situation is getting here in TX...

    where are you at where you can't find a job in t x ??
  14. What was harder? Non-nursing bachelors or ADN?

    scary, that's exactly what i have (Bs in psych. mnr in spn) and I couldn't have said it better --- not easy , but not as challenging as the adn program.
  15. What was harder? Non-nursing bachelors or ADN?

    I have a BS in Psych and a MA in counseling. The BS was challenging but i was also in a different place. I was 18-21 yrs old, living in a sorority house, had no problems and still did reasonably well. (graduated w a 3.0) Now statistics and physi...
  16. I say just do your part in nursing school, learn as much as possible and don't worry about other students. frankly i don't see how it is any of your business.
  17. Strange Nursing Student

    oh man that is bad. I seriously don't think he will make it out of school.
  18. Do I want to do this career?

    Follow your heart ! :) YOU know what is best for you ! I am wondering why everyone says nursing is so low pay ... In TX the nurses make around 40,000+ , IMO thats pretty good -- better than a teacher or cop or social worker . Just wondering if i ...
  19. Strange Nursing Student

    I wonder what made this guy choose nursing ? very strange indeed. it does seem like he has some type of autism or just might be downright weird. I'm not a nurse yet, but I would be careful if you do press the issue. you never know if this guy is h...
  20. advice for concern please!

    my husband will be a cop, i'll be a nurse, and more than likely i'll make a little more than him. i dont think it's marrying 'below' ! Do what your heart tells you but don't be naive about it.... LET ME TELL YOU there is nothing more stressful tha...
  21. Group One background checks in Texas

    tell me what is so wrong w tx. i have about 18 mos left of school and we are OPEN to move anywhere after school, as long as i have a job. Let me know , i am curious. I want to prepare myself or bypass a problem all together.
  22. north harris comunity college???

    are you going for your adn ? I don't think you have to have chem for your adn at nhmccd . I didn't and i go to montgomery. goodluck ! ! !:)
  23. Clinicals: Do you LOVE it???

    I really do not love it but don't hate it either. Some days are pretty dull (We students can just do adls so far mostly and some vitals, etc. ) and the nurses at our hospital are not extremely enthusiastic about students (which is understandable I'...
  24. i can't get a job...

    thank you so much for those positive words. I am going to start looking around april/march and be very persistent. Plus network as much as possible. I may be moving out of my area though.
  25. Are 12 hr shifts long and drawn out?

    im so glad to hear it isn't long and boring. I'm very sensitive to boredom, it's the reason i've left all my other jobs ! thanks for the input.