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About NYNewGradNurse

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  1. CRNA schools are far less competitive than the hype would have you believe. Your stats are great. Get some quality experience and have some solid extracurricular activities (join committees at work,...
  2. Two years total is pretty common. However this 2.5 years before even giving a recommendation seems rather unfair and controlling. Also, most contracts aren't actually "required" meaning there is no...
  3. It's up to you. Those were my same stats and I had no problem getting into CRNA school with two years of nursing experience (all ICU) when I applied. Personally, I wouldn't have wanted to wait longer....
  4. Albany Medical College - Summer 17

  5. Albany Medical College - Summer 17

    Yay!! Congrats!! Are you for sure choosing
  6. Albany Medical College - Summer 17

    yay! Congrats! Join our FB group :) I think it's under AMC '19
  7. Columbia CRNA Summer 2017 (MSN)

    After you get the interview, it is 100% personality. I had a 3.9 GPA, great experience/letters of rec, tons of extra curricular and leadership activities, CCRN, 330 GRE (168 quantitative, 162 verbal)...
  8. Columbia CRNA Summer 2017 (MSN)

    They are switching to DNP starting in
  9. Albany Medical College - Summer 17

    yeah totally! Let me know what to search for and I'll add
  10. Albany Medical College - Summer 17

    Great! I'm in! Super
  11. Albany Medical CRNA Program

    Thanks for the response! How many hours would you say the commitment is per week? Would you say you still have a decent amount of time for family and other things outside of the program? I looked...
  12. Albany Medical CRNA Program

    hey Giftagaba. Mind if I ask you how the program is going for you and what the schedule is like?
  13. Columbia CRNA Summer 2017 (MSN)

    Congrats on Georgetown!! That's
  14. Columbia CRNA Summer 2017 (MSN)

    I didn't so maybe rejections went or first? That could be a good sign for
  15. Columbia CRNA Summer 2017 (MSN)

    Check your