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About kathycook

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  1. Puerto Rico school feedback - thread #2

    Happy Holidays To Everyone:) For Interamerican University of Puerto Rico; has anyone been able to clep out of the following courses, and if so, what clep test did you take: GEHS 2010 Historical...
  2. I am done!!!!!!

  3. I can now use RN!!!

    A BIG
  4. Finally!!!!!

    A BIG
  5. scared to death

    Approach it head
  6. In need of encouragement!

    Try valerium root herbal capsules to cam your
  7. Harder Than I Thought

    Relax, a new brighter day will arrive before you know
  8. working and going to school

    Apply to work as a nurse tech in your loca hospital. You will learn valuable info, and get paid for
  9. Should I prepare or just wait????

  10. Information Please!

    Which school and program are you interested
  11. I finally sent off my app to the NYS BON!

    A BIG Congrats
  12. LVN Friend in Distress

    In essence, The RN Learning Center is acting as a "middle man" between the student and the school. By acting as a "midde man" , the RN Learning Center will expect to make a big profit off of the...
  13. It is ok to release what you
  14. International School of Nursing out of FL

    Your coworker friends may have completed this program: http://www.iuon.org/ International University of
  15. International School of Nursing out of FL

    It may be a good idea to call the school and get the information directly. I was told by the school that they just graduated the FIRST class in July.