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All Content by chapi

  1. University of Memphis - Spring 2016 - BSN

    I emailed you. Thanks.
  2. University of Memphis - Spring 2016 - BSN

    Yes please start one
  3. University of Memphis - Spring 2016 - BSN

    There will always be a few seats left remember everyone is not going to pass the background check, some people will go somewhere else, and with others life will happen and they won't be able to attend. Keep your head up. I know you will get in.
  4. University of Memphis - Spring 2016 - BSN

    I got my acceptance last Friday. Congratulations to you all.
  5. Baptist College of Health science - Fall 2015

    I will probably will end up going somewhere else...I have a busy life and don't have time for mandatory chapel and community service. Also they do not have normal breaks as other schools. I wish you all the best of luck and I have applied to LSON a...
  6. Baptist College of Health science - Fall 2015

    I keep looking at the calendar, does anybody know if we get a Fall Break or Spring Break? Thanks.
  7. Baptist College of Health science - Fall 2015

    My orientation date is July 31...I'm excited and hope to meet some of you all.
  8. Baptist College of Health science - Fall 2015

    Hello all...I'm accepted for Fall 2015 and I applied back in February. I am a transfer student as well, I have a degree form University of Memphis. Do you all know how long it will take for us to the start the actual nursing curriculum? Thanks.
  9. Congratulations...I was a current student, I attended all the way up to Febuary and decided the program was to fast pace and my family needed me more. Good luck
  10. Its's about $42,000 including fees, textbooks, and uniforms.
  11. Union University ABSN Fall 2014

    I'm in the program right now. I am excited but terrified about January...How would you recommend studying for phram 1? I heard that's one of the toughest courses. Thanks.
  12. I'm in the program right now. I am excited but terrified about January...How would you recommend studying for phram 1? I heard that's one of the toughest courses. Thanks.