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All Content by uniquenurse2014

  1. Foreign nurse vs. Local nurse??

    I was referring specifically to RNs in my post not LPNs. I do know of the programme you are referring to. There were a lot of inconsistencies with the affiliation with Norquest as the program was never even approved by the Nursing Council of Jamaica ...
  2. Foreign nurse vs. Local nurse??

    OP, let me correct some of your misconceptions. The majority of nurses from Jamaica that immigrate to Canada do not come here on a temporary work visa. Most come here as permanent residents as no Canadian agencies actively recruit in Jamaica. Secondl...
  3. Foreign Nurse Seeking Job in USA / Canada

    OP, if you are certain you want to migrate to any of these countries, be ready for a long process whether or not you decide to use an agency. Many of my former colleagues have used both O'Grady and Medpro and have completed their contracts successfu...
  4. Cpnre may 2016

    Are there any specific books you could suggest? I have a friend who recently migrated and will do the exam later this year but I really couldn't provide her with lpn resources just RN.
  5. It's so funny that I came across this thread as my husband and I were discussing a similar issue recently. Both of us are nurses and yes we met at work. We worked in the same unit and even taught at the same nursing school for a while until we moved....
  6. Co-workers mad that you're going to school

    Sometimes I wonder if it is like this only in nursing. I had bad experiences twice regarding school with my employer then called it quits. For my post RN BSN I informed my supervisor that I was planning to apply for the program and that was fine. We ...
  7. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    Most NPs I've met have been great however recently I overheard one on my unit (ICU) telling the patient's relative that she's like the intensivist. I shook my head in disbelief. She generally does not identify with being a nurse at all.
  8. The Nurse on the Other Side

    Even though I graduated in 2005 from nursing school my program was quite similar to yours. We only got two weeks off per year, one in the summer and one at Christmas. I have gone on and done my BSN and now doing my MSN. I have preceptored nursing st...
  9. The Nurse on the Other Side

    I have had both good and bad experiences being a patient. Earlier this year when I was in hospital after having my daughter my BP skyrocketed and took almost two weeks before it went down. My daughter was in the Nicu as well and I was confined to be...