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All Content by 5555555

  1. Pregnant, refused an assignment

    Hi there, I have been working as a contract nurse. I am two months in a contract with a hospital in Houston. They float me to different floors, which is to be expected, but there is one floor there that is an absolute nightmare. I've been a med/surg ...
  2. Someone help:(

    Hi everyone I need some feedback please. I'm a very new nurse I just got my license and my first job at a SNF. At this facility I'm in charge of 30-50 patients a shift which is extremely overwhelming but surprising doable. The patient care part I can...
  3. Someone help:(

    I'm afraid for my license at this place
  4. Someone help:(

    Yes I carry a notepad and clip board around w me. A friend of mine yesterday brought up that we're not suppose to do the admissions assessments and that an RN has to do it
  5. Someone help:(

    Thank you TriciaJ I am!
  6. Someone help:(

    I realize my previous post is a little jumbled and hard to understand. It's difficult to type that much from an iPhone
  7. Someone help:(

    Even the nurses who have been there for years have to stay very late. I think they have us overloaded. We would still have to stay after a little bit later to chart on our patients but the admissions are killing us! When we get a new admit we have to...
  8. Someone help:(

    Thank you everyone for the comments. I really appreciate them.