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About LuluBird

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  1. Go Saints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who dat say going to beat them Saints? NOT Da
  2. # of students per class for charity

    I had Ms. Schaff and Ms. Gauthier, both of whom were great. Ms. Schaff is at Select Speciality and Ms. Gauthier is at Oschner. I beleive there are a lot of good teachers on this level. Feel free to...
  3. # of students per class for charity

    Marlene, To answer some of your questions: Normally clinicals are 2 days per week amd lecture is 2 days per week. You pick up your patient usually on the day before your clinical day. Clinicals are...
  4. # of students per class for charity

    I am entering my 3rd semester in the fall and I like Charity. An entering class may be around 250 students, but then those numbers slowly drop down. It is very tough, but it produces great
  5. nursing salary

    I am at Charity now and some of the places where clinicals are being completed are: EJ, Oschner, Kenner, West Jeff, and some places on the
  6. Charity Nursing School C/O May 2007

    Charity requires a score of min. score of 100. You can only take the test 2 times to try and make the score. it's similar to the
  7. Hello everyone starting Charity next week. Are ya'll excited, or extremely