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About jessicag2014

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  1. IUPUI Traditional Spring 2015

    Congratulations to you!!!!! That's awesome! And it went well for me! I got accepted! Exited to start
  2. IUPUI Traditional Spring 2015

    That's awesome teacher91! Glad to hear you found something you like to do :) I just realized that I also am missing the stats prereq for accelerated. I just think that I'm 100% sure that accelerated...
  3. IUPUI Traditional Spring 2015

    Thanks for responding SoniaReb! I appreciate it :) The traditional program is 6 semesters at IUPUI once you are admitted. So if you add in the two semesters where you take prerequisites then it's a...
  4. IUPUI Traditional Spring 2015

    Thank you for your response teacher91! The problem that I run into for accelerated is that there are still at least two more pre-reqs that I would have to take. Also, I don't know that I want to do...
  5. IUPUI Traditional Spring 2015

    I am a current applicant to the traditional IUPUI nursing program for spring 2015. I applied to IUPUI for fall 2014, but missed the cut by TWO people. I just want to kind of compare myself to everyone...