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All Content by catlover72

  1. NLN question

    Has anyone here taken the NLN entrance exam? I am taking it sept 6th. I am really starting to get anxious! It is a 3 hr test, with 3 sections: math, science, and language. I really don't feel ready...
  2. anyone here a CNA?

    I am taking the NLN sept 6th. If I don't get in for the spring semester, I won't be able to try again until next fall for the next spring. It would be a year and a half. They moved the fall deadline...
  3. How competitive is your Nursing program?

    My school is very competitive. They admit 60 in the fall, and 40 in the spring. The only thing they look at is the NLN score. They start at the top grade, and work their way down until all spots are...
  4. How old are you?

    I'm 32, married with an 8 yr old. I am applying for the spring semester. I take the NLN sept 6th. I already have a bachelors degree in
  5. Panic attack over Chemistry

    I took chemistry over the summer. It was an 8 week class. I was very worried, and anxious during the whole class. I am very bad at math, and it had been a long time since I had algebra. I got through...