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About Jeanniejayne

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  1. As a stroke survivor (TIA in 1995), I read your article with much interest. In my experience, any time an expert nurse is involved in a dedicated unit the quality of care increases exponentially. Best wishes in your continued success in your career.
  2. Loved your article! IMHO, you get extra work because you are super competent and your boss knows it. I worked for 12 years in home care and outpatient mostly as a WOC Nurse, and would give my personal number to some patients. I believed it actually s...
  3. packing wound not healing. Advise?

    Hi Prettynurse, Can you tell us a bit more about this patient? What type of wound is it? Was it post-op? Is it possible it is a fistula? What condition is the patient in? Good health? Diabetic? Anemic? Age? Thin? Overweight? Active? Who is phys...