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All Content by CoolDork

  1. Ventricular Tach -- when to call the doc

    If it is new for the patient, I would def. consider calling the provider; however, I would investigate a little more esp. if the pt is non-symptomatic but a run of ten is quite significant. Therefore, I would make sure electrolytes were insignificant...
  2. IS MICU/SICU too much for New Grad?

    The ICU has more bells and whistles. Of course with the whistles comes more knowledge base; however, trauma docs and residents that I worked with loved to micromanage. *shrugs.* However, I would say the on ICU I had more autonomy but then again I had...
  3. Help! stay or go?

    That ratio does seem absurd; however, what are your resources? Does NY use med techs, medics and CNA 2's. If so, it can be stressful but manageable with how many resources you have at your finger tips. Currently at my facility, I have 4 pt's with CNA...
  4. When SpO2 values dont' match PaO2

    The physiology of SaO2 and SpO2 is totally different. SaO2 is directly related Hgb and how saturated the blood is with O2 molecules. SpO2 is the measurement of dissolved O2 molecules in the blood/plasma and solely dependent on lung functioning. There...
  5. shotgun knowledge from emergency geniuses

    Everyone discussed great points for lactic acid indicators and the pathology of it. For US, it is important for a trauma because it provides information on where there is internal organ trauma especially and where it is. Also, CO=SVxHR ; SV=preload,...
  6. Sepsis

    I've worked SICU and now ED and although CVP monitoring was standard in practice, a lot of our EDPs are getting away from it. CVP can give provide some unclear indicators of intravascular volume. Pressure does not equal volume. Therefore 3L was prett...