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All Content by Kb1989

  1. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    My inbox?
  2. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Aw bummer I thought we would see a seat fee today. It's ok just try to do things to get your mind off of it! I've been trying to get out of the house and hang out with friends, that helps a little.
  3. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    I think they should just let everyone in that passes the pre-reqs and the TEAS, anyone who goes through with those classes deserves to be an RN! We should start a riot Lol
  4. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Thanks. Guess we will know by the end of the week!
  5. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    I wouldn't worry about your teas, like I said they are unorganized. I'm sure everything is fine with yours and usually no news is good news so you will be fine. It sucks about my reading though cause I did well in English and science, the math and re...
  6. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    There's a note on my teas that says "low rding" oh no! I didn't think I did bad on reading and I didn't know they looked at the scores separately
  7. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    It's safe to say I'm not sleeping well tonight
  8. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    I thought the science pre-reqs were hard and once I was done with them I would be good. Well this is 10 times worse then the pre-reqs! I need to be knocked out until the end of the week
  9. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Congrats to everyone on the status change, Maybe we are all getting in! I don't wanna get my hopes up but I have a close friend who didn't get in and her status stayed saying "ready for review" it never changed. That was 2 years ago though. @moonwisp...
  10. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    @jcvolz Thanks for saying that! That makes me feel a little better and I'm sure you have nothing to worry about with your stats. I know you will get in:up:
  11. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Hi everyone! Thank you for responding I'm so glad to hear from other people. Jcvolz if you don't mind telling me does your status on your application say "decision made" yet? Mine has said it since Thursday and I'm kind of worried that's a bad thing!...
  12. CCBC Fall 2014 RN program

    Ok thank you! This is giving me anxiety!
  13. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Well I guess we can stop checking today because it definitely won't be today so I will have to force myself to leave my account alone!
  14. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Ok so I spoke to Patty with the admissions office (because I'm going crazy and had to call someone) and she said she hasn't even posted the seat fees yet but they would be posted the day the letters go out so we should see them 1 or 2 days before we ...
  15. CCBC Fall 2014 RN program

    I'm not sure when it became decision made but I saw it Friday. Another girl said hers still says ready for review. Thank you so much for responding! The reason I asked is because a friend of mine said when she didn't get in the program hers never sai...
  16. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Well I'm glad you got confirmation that they got your teas, that's one less thing to worry about. I'm praying for both of us, that's the only thing that's got me this far lol!
  17. CCBC Fall 2014 RN program

    Hello I know this thread is old but I couldn't find any newer ones. I applied to ccbc essex for spring 2015 and my application says "decision made" Has anyone had their status say decision made and not got in? Any info would be appreciated since I am...
  18. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Yea I just heard the same thing! Thanks for the update. I am no nervous, does your status say anything different yet? I heard the seat fee should be posted before the letter comes out so I'm freaking out
  19. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    I never thought I'd be excited to be charged 200 dollars. It will be the best 200 dollars I've ever been charged lol
  20. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Just keep checking for that seat fee, if that posts you're in!
  21. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    I know if they were in our shoes they would be more organized, I just call and bug them a million times to put my mind at ease lol.
  22. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Oh and my science gpa is just at a 3.0 and I got a 70 on my teas. I think we will get in if we have all our pre-reqs done....this wait is miserable though, I just need to know!!!
  23. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    I wouldn't worry about it. Mine didn't say received until I called them and asked if they got them. They said they had everything of mine and they didn't know why it didn't show up on simon. They are kind of unorganized, if they didn't have all your ...
  24. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    My gpa is only a 3.2 and I got a proficient on my teas.The only thing I think I have going for me is I am finished all my pre-reqs and yea it says teas and "received " next to it. I also heard we can check simon for a seat fee which will be posted...
  25. CCBC Essex RN Program Spring 2015

    Thank you for responding! I am going nuts here as I'm sure everyone is. I also applied to towson and was just informed I did not get in : ( oh Well we have to keep our heads up. My ccbc application now says "decision made" but I don't have a seat fee...