I guess I should add that our Pitocin bags are mixed BY PHARMACY (10 units in 500cc D5LR) and stored in our Pyxis. We do not mix our own Pit for induction; following delivery is different. With a...
Our Pitocin protocols are either "Standard" (begin at 1mu and increase by 2mu q 30 min for a max of 20mu/min) or "San Antonio" (begin at 2mu and increase q 40 min as follows: to 4mu, 8mu, 12mu, 16mu,...
I'm bumping this thread because I'm wondering if anyone has some more info for me. I am currently an RN with my associate's degree. I have one year L&D experience. I have decided to go back to...
That's why I was baffled too - I couldn't see why she would not give her some Terb at least to see if it would quit the cramping. She really seemed like she was writing the pt off to me, that's why I...
Ok, so I have a question. We have this new doc on our unit, fresh out of residency, who does some strange things. For instance, she puts "preeclamptic" pt's with 130/70 bp's, trace proteinuria,...
Thanks so much for all your input! I definately agree that it is a control thing; especially with ending up with a c/s the first time, not at all how she wanted things to go. . . not sure if they...
This is exactly where my anxiety about the whole situation stems from. Trying to do right by her, but in doing so potentially doing the wrong thing for the baby and paying for it later. I like the...
Yes, this doc WAS the pt's primary MD. She told me that she had been hoping she was not on call when the pt came in in labor. The pt had actually been referred to this MD by a midwife in a Birthing...
Ok, so I've been missing from the forum for a while. . . just caught up in some things here and there. . . computer on the fritz for a while. . . forgive me for being MIA for so long, and I absolutely...
We always have kits in the OR ready to open up for emergent cases. As part of our orientation in L&D we have a week of scrubbing . . . not that that means we are completely comfortable doing it...
Wow, (to the OP) way to be right on the ball. I know that generally VBACs are perfectly safe, but they make me very nervous for this reason. The epidurals scare me the most with these pt's - will...
It was the sheer amazement of the whole process for me - and, to be a positive part of such a huge moment for women and their families. I absolutely LOVE my job and really believe that I am where I...
As always, Deb, well said. There has got to be a trusting relationship between the healthcare team and the pt. I don't have a lot of experience with doulas, but the whole feeling some have that the...
I can only imagine what you must be going through right now. Anything you do will be very much appreciated by every nurse that took care of you - whether it is a card or some other kind of gift. I'll...
I definately agree: DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. Give yourself time to learn. No one expects you to learn how to be an L&D nurse overnight. From what I can tell so far, there is no one model...