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About Scottish-Fee

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  1. Visitation

    In my unit we allow parents in 24/7 (although only 1 is allowed to stay) all other visitors are allowed in 2-8pm.. This is due to us being a busy unit and we try not to get visitors in when ward...
  2. Working with the kids.

    I think it's great that you have such a good view of children's nursing but trust me they can complain (sometimes more than adults!) and actually they can be aggressive too especially if they do not...
  3. Pediatric Immun. question

    I was also always taught to aspirate a im or sc.. just incase but im in the uk so maybe it's different in the
  4. Agenda for change

    Just got my afc pay and it was a staggering £12.00 Waow can't think what I'll spend that on... ohh yeah that's right the tax man took it!!! We were all enquiring what people got for their's and one...
  5. Hi there Has she completed her training in adult or kids? I trained in Aberdeen but decided there wasn't scope to progress quickly so decided to move back to Glasgow! As far as im aware there isn't...
  6. UK training = dangerous?

    Your lucky you got to opt out of some subjects! We didn't have the option we had to do it all no matter what experience we had! Also P2000 doesn't exist here anymore which im glad about because...
  7. UK training = dangerous?

    Hi Claire I finished my training in 2003, I trained in Scotland and EBL stands for Evidence Based Learning. It was a good way to do things some times because you had to back all your work up with...
  8. Agenda for change

    Ohh that is a huge payrise NOT!! That is making me lookforward to agc even more!
  9. Agenda for change

    We have only just recieved our job descriptions for agenda for change!! and have not recieved our banding or pay yet!! I work in a Paediatric Ward and apparantly our jobs have been a nightmare to do...