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All Content by Maldo

  1. Temple College 2015

    Sorry to respond so late, but I just now read this post. 1. If you have both A&P1 &2, you do not need Intro to A&P. 2. Yes, you can retake it, but I have to disagree with the previous poster. You do not have to submit your most recent gr...
  2. Temple College 2015

    You have plenty of time because everyone that is going to TC nursing this year has already been accepted. You need to plan for '16-'17 school year. We are nearly 1/3 of the way through the '15-'16 LVN program and the ADN's all have their acceptance l...
  3. Temple College 2015

    Hi, guy! I have a question. I have already been accepted into the LVN program, but have taken many of the classes for ADN but not a&p 1&2. I am considering applying for a spot in the ADN program. I have college credits from another college th...
  4. Temple College 2015

    Hey, do you remember how long it took to get the blue card? I had my fingerprinting on the 25th, starting to get worried...
  5. Temple College 2015

    I'm too anxious to start working as a nurse. I want to bridge to RN asap after LVN. LVN first though :))))) so excited!!!!
  6. Temple College 2015

    I made it in! now to do all the required stuff to keep my spot.
  7. Temple College 2015

    I called this morning and they just got it. I was a little scared, since it is due tomorrow. whew.
  8. Temple College 2015

    Ya'll need to make sure that the nursing dept. has your transcripts. I was called Monday and informed that they didn't have mine. I called admin and their records showed that they sent it on Dec. 15. So in a month, they couldn't send it across the st...
  9. Temple College 2015

    @juju, the website says it starts in July. they have the rapid schedule for hep b that only takes 4 months. I will try to get mine started this month, as well as my cpr/first aid class... or feb for the class.
  10. Temple College 2015

    @angela partridge, I sent you a message on fb and am following you. it didn't have the option to add friend.
  11. Temple College 2015

    Temple - LVN :)
  12. Temple College 2015

    I'll look you up! I just got the final grade from my last prereq class and things are looking good. Are any of you going to do your cpr this January or are ya'll waiting for acceptance letters? I will and I will also make sure my immunizations are in...
  13. Temple College 2015

    There is no way of knowing. Registration is open until the end of December.
  14. Temple College 2015

    We find out about the LVN program in February. Brandie, did you take the pre-reqs as well? 87 is pretty good. If you took the pre-reqs, I would bet that you get in.
  15. Temple College 2015

    Why do you have to take it again? I believe the scores are suppose to stay usable for 2 years.
  16. Temple College 2015

    Good Job, Londonshaw! :)
  17. Temple College 2015

    Yes, I used the practice book and worked through the problems. No, I did not take any study sessions with TC.
  18. Temple College 2015

    The test wasn't too bad. The toughest question the study book did not help with. My advice is to get a general idea about how much mLs are because you have to make an educated guess. & memorize how many km in a mile and kg in a pound and cm in an...
  19. Temple College 2015

    I am anxious to work in the field. I feel that it is a real calling on my life. I decided that if (when) I get into the LVN program than I will be happy. I won't apply to the RN course. I will just bridge a year later. Maybe the hospital that I start...
  20. Temple College 2015

    I am going to take the hesi a2 on the 22nd! I am not sure if I will just apply to the lvn course or if I will apply to the adn as well. What are your plans?