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  1. May I please vent?

    Yet another reason why we Homeschool.
  2. RN to BSN in MI? Y or N if plan to be stay @ home mom?

    Enjoy your baby(future babies). School is hard with newborns. I would worry about it when you get there. Since you already have your RN you could use ur FAFSA if applicable to finish a degree online...
  3. When a Mom Miscarries

    Im sorry for your loss. My oldest daughter was 8month when I miscarried our baby at 8wks. I had just found out the day before we miscarried but we already had a name if the baby was a girl, Haley...
  4. Creighton Accelerated January 2015

    You will need a car. And Creighton is in a bad neighborhood so be aware of that. I know since someone said they are from NY they might not feel like they would be intimidated but im from Los Angeles...
  5. Long shift then class?

    I dont have my CNA yet. I am working on finishing my BS in
  6. Colorblind Flight Nurse in Military?

    Good luck!!! Do you have your BSN? I know the AF is the hardest to get into but with a BSN i think it would be
  7. Confused

    How do you find the NCLEX pass ratings?(sorry to hijack
  8. Waitlist for LPN program?

    Oh ok. Ill have to look closer at our local CC. It takes forever to get anyone to reply to an email.
  9. Waitlist for LPN program?

    I know the local CC has like a 2yr wait-list for the RN program. But do you think there will be a wait-list for the LPN program? Is there usually
  10. Long shift then class?

    well the CNA class would be across the street from the hospital(lucky this way) and I live 4mins away from the hospital!
  11. Thinking about becoming an RN

    You need to complete the prereqs before even applying to nursing school so look into the schools you like then do the
  12. Aced my first exams!!!

    Awesome!!! Congrats!!! Keep doing w/e ur doing!!!!
  13. Long shift then class?

    Ya i think if I do it , i will wait until spring for the CNA class to get
  14. Long shift then class?

    Has anyone worked a 12hr night shift and then go to class? I am thinking about do this. I just was offered a 12hr shift 36hrs a week at the local hospital as a patient representative(checking in). I...
  15. Switching to a Nursing Major

    ya i know the ASN program only requires the lowest chemistry to get into the program but to get a BSN its probably