Little Panda RN ASN, RN

Assisted Living Nurse Manager

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All Content by Little Panda RN

  1. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    Thank you!!! Though not sure how awesome I am, I just want to take what has happened and turn it into a positive.
  2. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    Mine was VIN II-III. I had a wide local excision which turned into a partial inferior vulvectomy. I found the spot on my perineum, but when the surgeon did surgery it was more extensive than he originally thought. I do not mind answering questions, ...
  3. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    Yes they usually do a colposcopy to find abnormal cells on the vulva. I found mine and it was an area that the color of the skin had changed. I had it biopsied and it was VIN. It is a precancerous condition and only a small percentage turns to vulvar...
  4. Little Panda RN

    New graduate, new job....lost and lots of tears!

    It does get better, it just takes time. Your post pulled at my heart strings and I am sending some cyber hugs your way. Hang in there, the more expierenced you become, you will feel more comftorable.
  5. Little Panda RN

    Health paper advice. Help please

    While I was in school I did mine on"Healing Touch for pain relief". I think it was a seven page paper. I really enjoyed this topic and I got an "A". Find something that you are really passionate about it and it makes writing the paper a whole lot eas...
  6. Little Panda RN

    I have no idea what to do

    You can get a deferment on your student loans. All you need to do is contact the loan servicing center or go online to thier website. I have had to do this myself as I do not make enough money at the moment to pay them back.
  7. Little Panda RN

    Medical Terminology in Nursing...

    Yes, having medical terminology will be useful. I learned med term when I was in medical assisting school and when I went back for my LPN it was a godsend. Many of my class mates struggled to learn med term on top of everything else. I think it shoul...
  8. Little Panda RN

    Stop being so miserable

    All I can say is "wow"!!!! I hope you are prepared for battle;)
  9. Little Panda RN

    How I Got My First Nursing Job

    This story does the heart good!!!! A very big congrats to you on the new job!!!!!!
  10. Little Panda RN

    Interview left me speechless

    All I can say is "WOW". Did she really think by trashing her employees, you were going to say "Oh yeah, you betcha I am in, when can I start". Geez some people really have no brains. She sounds like she has some mental issues going on. Stay far away...
  11. Little Panda RN

    help! how to study for ATI

    Yep, those are the books I used during my program. I think it sucks that they tell you, you are going to take this exam and not even have anything for you to prepare with, not very professional on their part. Just my 2 cents.
  12. Little Panda RN

    help! how to study for ATI

    We used ATI in school and we had the ATI books and quizzes to prepare with. Did you not get any resource material from your school?
  13. Little Panda RN

    Compact state non eligeble question

    The NCSBN has the information you are looking for concerning compact license, here is a link for you; Hope this helps!
  14. Little Panda RN

    Terminated from 1st job :(

    I am sorry to hear about what happened to you. I have always been under the understanding that you have to have doctors orders for any type of restraints, did they not explain this during orientation and why didnt your charge nurse inform you of what...
  15. Little Panda RN

    Dealing with Death

    Many hugs to you!!! My first resident death was an unexpected one and it was very difficult for me to deal with. I work for a assisted living facility and am the only nurse on when I am working. I got summoned to the dining room to check on a residen...
  16. Little Panda RN

    Didn't pass FL board :( How can I take it sooner?

    I think 45 days is pretty much standard for most states. I would just take this time to review your weak areas and then give it another go. The best of luck to you!!!
  17. Little Panda RN

    Am I stupid for giving this up?

    I agree with Joanna73. Life is to short to be miserable. Hospital nursing is for some and not for others. Clinic nursing is very different than hospital nursing, you use a different skill set, but you will learn alot. I started out as a medical assi...
  18. Little Panda RN

    Cold calls to get ambulatory care job?

    I think with the way the economy is at this time, there is nothing wrong with calling and enquiring about a job, for that matter going in person might be even better, it shows ambition. Good luck with your job search!
  19. Little Panda RN

    Did you get medication calculations?

    I had 2 dosage calcs and 75 questions and I passed. A friend of mine had the same and passed.
  20. Little Panda RN

    What does the state BON screen say if you failed NCLEX?

    It is different for each state. In my state if you fail your graduate work permit number will show it has expired as of the day you took the nclex. If you passed you will have a RN license number.
  21. Little Panda RN

    i shouldn't be asking this.

    Well they are equal in the respect that the milligrams would be the same. I really dont think the mls are a problem, but you can always call a pharmacist and they would be more than happy to let you know if it is acceptable to use this concentration.
  22. Little Panda RN

    Took my NCLEX today...

    congratulations may312, rn!!!!!!!*winetime to celebrate!!!!
  23. Little Panda RN

    Took my NCLEX today...

    I felt the exact same way as you, when I took mine. I got the good pop up and I passed. I am positive you passed!
  24. Little Panda RN

    B12 injections,can you give it in the arm muscle?

    I worked family practice for many years and we always gave the B12 in the deltoid.
  25. Little Panda RN

    wondering about late decels

    We were taught to stop the pit, start 02, reposition and then call MD, but I did an internet search and everything I read says to reposition to left side lying, O2 8-10L min, then stop the pit. Maybe someone will come along who knows exactly what to ...