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About NurCrystal22

I'm a happy and cheerful person!

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  1. Well, when my charge nurse walked up to me with my eval (which I was completely not expecting) I was a little nervous, but as I read it I was shocked that I was actually doing well, she said I...
  2. Describe your last day at work in 50 words or less !?

    Pt 1 pneumonia, not too bad, pt 2 ISSUES, bad attitude, doc just stopped CAPD, transfer to ICU.. I don't have time, make time. Now behind, pt 3 back from surgury, too much pain 10/10. New admit with...
  3. More good days than bad

    Hi, hang in there. I'm new to nursing too and I know how you feel. I'm in orientation right now, one more week to go until I'm supposed to be on my own... but last week we were short staffed so i was...
  4. How to unwind after work??

    I wouldn't do this if I were you, messing with your bodies natural neurotransmitters is not a good idea, A/P 2. Take a relaxing bath, maybe you NEED noise to distract from your throughts, turn some...
  5. Leaving work at work!

    Don't feel bad, I know exactly how you feel. I was on my own last night, unexpectedly, and I was responsible for 5 patients (I'm still supposed to be in orientation). To my suprise I actually had a...
  6. Hanging IV Potassium

    Usually pharmacy mixes it up, 20meq KCl in 1000ml of 1/2 Normal Saline, we infuse at 75ml/hr, decrease rate if burning/irritation/etc sensation is felt by patient.
  7. My states minimum is 85 questions and that is how many I recieved..... and I passed. You can't really judge by the amount of questions though.... good luck.
  8. beginning 4th week of orientation...

    Well yeah, if i don't know something, I always ask. Last night went great with 4 patients and I learned how to do CAPD. Other than that it was a quiet night, I stayed buzy, really great patients....
  9. Can you give these together...

    If a patient has a med schedule for Ambien at 2100 and also requests a Vicodin PRN at the same time is that okay? OR If a patient has a scheduled me for Ativan at 2100 and requests a vicodin PRN is it...
  10. Nurses all come from DYSFUNCTIONAL backgrounds??

    Just because a person comes from a "dysfunctional" background, doesn't mean that they ARE dysfunctional. I wouldn't get twisted over what your manager said.... forget it...
  11. Well out of four weeks, I'd say I had one bad night. So I guess I'm doing alright. I'm looking forward to being responsible for my own patients but at the same time I'm super nervous, I have a fear of...
  12. Incident or not?

    I guess I should clarify, the patient came to the ER and was TRANSFERRED to my floor, the ER people connected him to the yellow port, I guess inadvertantly (sp) because he had a LOT of "things" going...
  13. Incident or not?

  14. Incident or not?

    So tell me what you think about this. I need advice, I was a witness to what might be considered an "incident" tell me if you think it is or what you would have done. Patient comes for ER, has a...
  15. 5 items

    all i need is my pen, my stethoscope, and a note-pad and I'm good to go.