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About dgudmestad

MICU nurse

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  1. RN to BSN online

    I'm almost done with my BSN through Indiana Wesleyan University. I will probably continue on for my Masters thru them. Their program is painless and I really enjoyed the format. No streaming video...
  2. So what should I do--job related.

    If you were in good standing when you left, I would think you still should
  3. 1:1 for CVVH?

    Ohhh...don't get me wrong....I agree totally. It just wasn't the case where I worked. Just like paralyzed patients should always be 1:1. That wasn'r always the case
  4. 1:1 for CVVH?

    I just left a MICU job where CRRT pts were routinely 2:1. Even if they were on Levo and paralyzed they would be paired...and sometimes with another not so stable pt or another one with every 1 hr...
  5. So what should I do--job related.

    I think I would make an appointment to sit down with the nurse recruiter. You may be on the "not eligible for rehire
  6. Inadequacy and stupidity

    Took me a solid
  7. Doctor comebacks

    Depends on the situation. I have walked away, yelled back, cursed them back, rolled my eyes & shook my head and said things like "Slow down, I can't chart that fast." or "Your mother would be...
  8. Advice needed - withdrawing life support & how to deal

    I think your perfectly normal. I've been a nurse for many years and in the ICU also. I, too, have difficulty when certain patients die. It is especially difficult if they're young. It's also hard...
  9. eICU - Anyone using this?

    I work on the EICU side of the camera. Absolutely love it. I know some nurses are hesitant thinking we are looking over their shoulders. I can assure you...as nurses ourselves, we are all on the...
  10. RN to BSN online

    Do you think that online classes are more time consuming than traditional classes? Do you find IWU to be a good experience? What do you like about it? What do you
  11. RN to BSN online

    I liked their program. Easy to figure out what is required. Straight forward but I don't see anywhere that they talk about online learning. Are you sure that they have online distance courses??...
  12. question about tetanus

    You could wait but make sure you go. We had a patient in our ICU about a month ago with tetorifice from a rose bush thorn.
  13. I bathe dead people......why shouldn't I talk to them, even if only to hear the hum of my own voice. Doesn't really matter either
  14. Four Star ICU Visitors

    We had a family want to take the entire body home with them. The nursing supervisor called up the chain of command and basically, in our state, a body can be buried anywhere and the family has the...
  15. liver transplant questions

    Everyone is different. Depends alot on their numbers, how far into failure they are, etc.... We transplant whole organs only at our hospital. They must be drug/smoke free for 6 months. They can...